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单词 purpose
释义 purpose /'PXPS8; 'pspss/ n 1 [C] that which one means to do, get, be, etc; plan; design; intention: 目的; 计划; 意图; 意向: For what ~(s) do you want to go to Canada? 你要去加拿大的目的何在? I wouldn't go to London for/with the mere ~ of buying a new tie. 我不会只为买一条新领带而去伦敦。 This van is used for various ~s. 这货车可用于不同的目的。 This is a novel with a ~, one written eg to explain or def end a doctrine, not merely to amuse. 这是一本为阐释或辩护某种理论等而写的小说 (并非仅供消遣) 。 |~-'built adj made to serve a particular function. 为了达成某种目的的; 为了某种特殊作用的。 2 [U] determination; power of forming plans and keeping to them: 决心; 形成与坚守计划的力量: weak of ~; 没有决心; wanting in ~. 缺乏果断力。 3 (phrases) (片语) on ~, by intention, not by chance: 故意地; 不是偶然地: You sometimes hurt yourself by accident but you don't hurt yourself on ~. 你有时会偶然伤害自己,但你不会故意伤害自己。 He has left the book here on ~ for you to read. 他有意把这本书留在道儿让你读。 He came here on ~ to borrow money from you. 他特地来这里向你借钱。 She sometimes does things on ~ just to annoy me. 她有时故意做些事来使我生气。 of set ~, deliberately; not accidentally. 有意地; 蓄意地; 非偶然地。 to the ~, useful for one's~; relevant: 合乎目的的; 中肯的; 切题的: The reply was so little to the ~ that it was not worth our consideration. 这答复一点也不中肯,所以不値得我们考虑。 to little/no/some ~, with little/no/some result or effect. 有很少 (毫无,有一些) 结果或效果。 serve/ answer one's ~, be satisfactory; do what is required. 令人满意; 适合日的。 vt [VP6A, D, 7, 9] (liter) have as one's ~: (文) 意欲; 意图: They ~ (making/to make) a further attempt. 他们意图做歪一步的尝试。~ /-fl; -ful/ adj having a conscious ~; full of meaning. 蓄意的; 有意义的。~ - fully /-fall; -fuh/ adv ~less adj lacking ~; having no object in view. 缺乏意义的; 没有目的的。 ~lessly adv. ~ly adv on ~; intentionally. 故意地; 蓄意地。 purposive /'pxpasiv; 'pposiv/ adj having, serving, done with, a ~: 有口的的; 合于日的的; 故意. 而为的: purposive movements; 有日的的行动; (of a person, his conduct) having, showing, ~ and determinatiorr. (指人、其行为) 有决心的; 表现决心的; 果断的。




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