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单词 tax
tax/tæks/ n [-es/ ɪz/]; vt [-es/ ɪz/]

n 税,税额 (percentage of a person's income or of the price of goodsetc taken by the government to help pay for the running of the state)[CU]:excise/luxury/inheritance/excess profit/state/county/income/property/sales/value-added~货物(或执照)/奢侈品/遗产/超额利润/国/地方/所得/财产/营业/增值税;direct/indirect~所得/消费税;levy a~on tobacco/salt 征收烟草/盐税;~evasion/system 逃税/税务系统;~haven 低税制的国家;Half of my wages go in~. 我工资的一半都纳了税。increase~es 增加税收;paid over £1000 in~es last year 去年支付了1000英镑的税款;〖同〗duty,tariff;

a tax on sth 对……的一项负担:a~on one's health/one's patience/one's strength/one's nerves 对自己的健康/耐心/体力/神经的一项负担;

vt (1)要求……付税;征税;课税 (place a tax on)[T+n]:~income/luxuries 征所得/奢侈品税;~rich and poor alike 对贫富同样征税;~cigarettes/tobacco/alcoholic drinks heavily对香烟/烟草/酒课重税;The government does not~certain private foundations. 政府对某些基金会提供的个人奖学金不征税。

(2)使负担沉重;使竭尽(make difficult or excessive demands upon)[T+n]:~one's strength/one's patience/one's courage 费尽气力/耗尽耐心/极需勇气;Tremendous populations~the land that supports them. 过多的人口使供养他们的土地受到沉重压力。His constant requests for help~our goodwill. 他不断请求帮助使我们的善意之心感到沉重压力。Such stupid questions~my patience. 这样没头没脑的问题使我感到厌烦。Such a long journey would be too~ing for my old uncle. 旅途那么遥远恐怕伯父会吃不消。Reading in a poor light~es the eye. 在灯光暗的地方看书眼睛吃不消。〖同〗burden,exhaust;

(3)付……税(require a tax from)[T+n]:The car is~ed until July. 这辆汽车的税款已缴到7月份。~one's/sb's brain(s) 使绞尽脑汁做;~sb with dishonesty/having told a lie/having neglected his work/laziness/failure to appear on the day appointed 指责某人不诚实/说谎/玩忽职守/懒惰/失约;

→′taxable adj 可征税的;应征税的;′taxing adj 使疲劳的,负担很重的;͵tax′ation n 征税,纳税,税制;͵tax-de′ductible adj(指开支项目)在计算所得税时可以扣除的;͵tax-′free adj 免税的;′taxman n 收税员;the ′taxman 政府税务部门;′taxpayer 纳税人;′tax return 个人收入的申报





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