释义 |
漫无边际màn wú biān jì❶ boundless; endless; ❷stray far from the subject; rambling; discursive ❍ 鬼子在无人的村庄里烧着草垛,对着山上逃难的中国农民,在~的发着炮,打着机枪。(知侠《铁道游击队》185) The Japanese set fire to their houses and haystacks. Their machine-guns cracked and boomed aimlessly in the direction of the mountains where the peasants had taken refuge. ❍ 文化事业的发展不能~。(周恩来 《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) The devel opment of cultural undertaking should not be un restricted. ❍ 父亲急得在岸上来回转圈,望着茫无边际的湖水发愁。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》19) He paced to and fro by the lake,looking sadly at the vast stretch of water before him. 漫无边际màn wú biān jì形容无边无际,十分广阔。boundless, rambling, limitless, discursive |