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单词 telegraph
telegraph/′telɪɡrɑ:f, AmE ′-ɡræf/ n & v

n (1)电报机,发报机(apparatus or system for transmitting messages or signals to a distant places by means of an electric device)[C]:send a message on the~在发报机上发电文;

(2)电报(means sent by such a system)[U]:send a massage by means of~以电报的形式发送信息;

v 给……打电报,打电报告知(send (a piece of newsor orderetc) by telegraph;communicate with sb or inform by telegraph)[II+prepT+nT+n+prepC+n+to-inf]:~to sb to know sth 给某人打电报了解某事;~the time of one's arrival/the good news/one's congratulations 打电报告知到达的时间/通报好消息/祝贺;~sb to go as soon as possible/return home at once/say when one will arrive打电报告诉某人尽快去/立即回家/自己什么时候到达;

→͵telegra′phese n 电报文体;͵tele′graphic adj 电报的,电报发送的(͵tele′graphic ad′dress 用于电报的简略地址);͵tele′graphically adv 用电报;te′legraphist n 报务员;te′legrapher n(美)发报员,电报员;te′legraphy n 电报;通报;′telegraph-line n 电报线路;′telegraph-pole n 电杆;电线杆





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