告ɡàoⅠ ❶ (解说;陈述) inform;tell;notify:通 ~ inform;announce; 忠 ~ sincerely advise; 电 ~ inform by telegraph;cable; 何日启程,盼 ~。 Please inform me of your date of departure. ❷ (检举;控诉) accuse;sue:控 ~ charge;accuse;complain; 如果你不付给我钱,我就 ~ 你。 If you don't pay me the money,I'll sue you. 谁都知道他被诬 ~了。 Everybody knows he was wrongly accused. ❸ (请求) ask for;request;solicit:~ 援 ask for help ❹ (表明) make known:不 ~ 而别 leave without saying good-bye; 自 ~ 奋勇 volunteer to do sth.;offer one's free services ❺ (宣布) announce;declare;proclaim:~ 一段落 come to the end of a stage;be brought to a temporary close; 暂 ~ 休会 announce a recess for the moment Ⅱ ❶ (通知) announcement;declaration:通 ~ public notice; 广 ~ advertisement; 文 ~ statement by authority ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 不害 Gao Buhai 另见 see also ɡù。 ◆告白 public notice; 告别 leave;part from [with];bid farewell to;say good-bye to; 告成 accomplish;complete; 告吹 fizzle out;fail; 告辞 farewell;take leave; 告贷 ask for a loan; 告贷无门 have no means to borrow money;nowhere to borrow money;nowhere to turn for loans [help];no place to borrow money from;There is nowhere the money can be borrowed from.; 告发 report (an offender);inform against;lodge an accusation against;delate; 告国人书 message to the nation; 告急 be in an emergency;report an emergency;ask for emergency help;make an urgent request for help in an emergency; 告假 ask for leave; 告捷 win victory;report a victory;announce a victory; 告诫[戒] warn;admonish;enjoin;counsel;dissuade from;exhort; 告警 report an emergency;give an alarm; 告竣 be completed; 告老 retire on account of age; 告老还乡 resign from office and return to one's native town [village];retire in one's old age;retire on account of old age and return to one's native place;retire from office and return to private life; 告密 inform against sb.;give secret information against sb.; 告罄 run out;be exhausted; 告饶 beg [sue] for mercy;ask pardon; 告示 official notice;bulletin;placard; 告诉 tell;let [make] know; 告退 ask for leave to withdraw from a meeting,etc.; 告知 inform;notify; 告终 come to an end;end up;conclude; 告状 go to law against sb.;bring a lawsuit against sb.;file a suit;sue;indict;lodge a complaint against sb. with his superior;complain of one's grievances
告ɡù(由上至下告知) officially announce 另见 see also ɡào。 ◆告朔饩羊 the sheep offered when announcing the new moon — do something perfunctorily as a routine practice;do sth. for form's sake only |