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jeweln. 1.piece of jewellery,precious ornament,costly orna-ment on a gold chain宝石,贵重首饰,贵重饰物。 △Tw.3.4.231 (208): “wear this jewel for me.” (probably) alocket with a small portrait of Olivia. 你为我佩戴着这个钻饰吧。(按:jewel在此或指装有奥丽维娅小像的小金盒。) △2H.VI.3.2.106: “I took a costly jewel from myneck,/ A heart it was,bound in with diamonds,/ And threw it towards thy land.”我从我的脖子上取下一件贵重首饰,那是由钻石镶嵌的一块心形宝石,把它抛向你的国土。 △H.VIII.2.2.32 (31):“That,like a jewel,has hungtwenty years / About his neck,yet never lost her lus-tre;”她,像一颗宝石,二十年来一直挂在他的脖颈上,从来不曾失去她的光辉。 2. (term of endearment) darling,treasure (表示亲爱的称呼)宝宝,宝贝。 △Lr.1.1.271 (268): “The jewels ofour father,with washed eyes / Cordelia leaves you.”父亲的宝贝们,考狄利娅用泪洗的眼睛向你们告别。 3. ❶precious stone,gem宝石,珍宝。 ❷ (term of en-dearment) darling宝贝儿。 △2H.IV.1.2.20(18):“andsend you back again to your master for a jewel —”把你当做珍宝(双关:宝贝儿)送还给你的主人。 jewel[ˈdӠu:əl]n.宝石,贵重饰物 ‖ jewel box (case)珠宝盒 jewel point金刚钻头雕刻工具 jewel setting tool镶钻工具 jewel stylus宝石唱针 jewel wrist watch宝石手表 jewelling rest钻石架 jewelling tool钻石工具 jeweled adj.饰有宝石的 jeweller n .宝石商,宝石匠 jewellery = jewelry[ˈdӠu:əlri]adj.戴手饰的,光彩夺目的/n.珠宝,首饰,珠宝工艺品,珠宝饰物,精细工艺品 jewelry alloy首饰合金 jewelry bronze装饰青铜 jewelry enamel景泰蓝 |