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❶ (返回) return;go back to:~ 国 go back to one's motherland;
荣 ~ 故里 return to one's native place with high honours;
无家可 ~ be homeless
❷ (还给;归还) return sth. to;give back to:物 ~ 原主 return sth. to its original owner
❸ (趋向或集中于一地) converge;come together:把书籍 ~ 类 group together the books of the same category;
同 ~ 于尽 perish together;
殊途同 ~ take different paths which nevertheless lead to the common destination;
条条江河 ~ 大海。 All rivers lead to the sea.
❹ (由谁负责) put in sb.'s charge:这项工作 ~ 他管。 He is in charge of the task. 这件事 ~ 我处理。 Leave this to me.
❺ (归属) attribute to;belong to:~ 公 belong to the collective [public];~ 国家所有 be turned over to the state
❻ (用在相同的动词之间,表示动作并未引起相应的结果):吵架 ~ 吵架,可他俩还是很相爱。 They love each other despite their frequent quarrels. 牢骚 ~ 牢骚,他工作可不含糊。 Although grumbling sometimes,he works hard. Ⅱ ❶ {数} (珠算中一位除数的除法) division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 有光 Gui Youguang
◆归案 bring to justice;
归案法办 bring someone to trial and mete out punishment;bring back to court for trial and punishment;bring someone to justice;
归并 incorporate into;merge into;reduce;lump together;add up;
归程 return journey;
归除 {数} division on the abacus with a divisor of two or more digits;
归档 place on file;file;
归队 (of soldiers) report for duty;rejoin one's unit;return to the ranks;return to the profession one was trained for;
归垛机 piler;
归附 submit to the authority of another;
归根到[结]底 in the final [last] analysis;in the long run;after all;in the final analysis;
归根结蒂 get to the root of the problem;all in all;come [get] down to bedrock;in the end;in the final [last] analysis;in the long run;
归功于 give the credit to;attribute the success to;owe to;
归公 go to the public [state];be made a public possession;
归国 return to one's country;
归航 {航空} home;homing;
归化 submit to the rule of;adopt the customs of;{生} be naturalized;[旧] be naturalized;
归还 return;revert;send back;give back;
归家 return home;home-coming;
归结 sum up;put in a nutshell;end (of a story,etc.);{力} resolution;
归经 {中药} channel tropism;
归咎 impute to;attribute a fault to;put the blame on;
归咎于人 blame (something) on others;ascribe the crime to ...;charge [lay;put;throw] the blame on ...;The blame is charged upon ...;
归口部门 relevant departments;competent leading groups;
归口管理 centralized management by specialized departments;
归来 {穴位} Guiai (S 29);归类 (分类) sort out;classify;grouping;
归楞 {林} bank up;piling up;
归里包堆 [方] add up;
归零 {计} make zero;return to zero;zero;
归零制记录 return-to-zero recording;
归拢 put together;take in;
归马放牛 stop warfare; desist from military operations and cultivate literary skill;herd [graze] the fighting horses and cattle;leave military pursuits and promote culture;no more resort to arms;
归谬法 reduction to absurdity;reductio ad absurdum;
归谬证法 {数} reductio ad absurdum proof;
归纳 induce;conclude;sum up;induction;
归宁 [书] (of married women) go back to paternal home for a visit归宁省亲 go back to the paternal home for a visit (said of a bride);go home to pay respects to one's parents;visit her parents (after marriage);
归期 date of return;
归侨 [简] returned overseas Chinese;
归去来兮 I'm going home!;I am homeward bound.;
归入 classify;include;
归生 a surname;
归师勿掩,穷寇莫追 One should crush a retreating enemy and not pursue broken rebels.;
归属 belong to;come under the jurisdiction of;
归属地位 ascribed status;
归属理论 attribution theory;
归顺 come over and pledge allegiance;yield surrender;pay allegiance to;
归宿 a home to return to;
归算 reduction;
归天 [婉] pass away;die;
归田 [书] (of officials) resign from office and return home;
归途 homeward journey;one's way home;
归位 homing;
归西 [婉] pass away;die;
归降 surrender;
归向 turn towards (the righteous side);incline to;
归心改正 correction to centre;
归心计算 reduction to centre;reduction of centre;
归心似箭 anxious to return home as soon as possible;eager to dart homeward;impatient to get back;long to return home;return with the swiftness of an arrow;When the mind is bent on returning,it is like a flying arrow.;wishing to have wings to fly home on;with one's heart set on speeding back home;
归心纬度 reduced latitude;
归心性 centricity;
归省 [书] go home to pay respects to one's parents;go home for a visit;
归省故里 pay a visit to one's native village;
归一化 normalize;normalization;
归因 ascribe to;attribute to;
归隐林下 retire from official life;
归于 belong to;be attributed to;tend to;result in;end in;
归约 reduced;reduction ;归着 [口] put in order;tidy up;
归真反璞 (指去其外饰,还其本真) (drop all affectation and) return to original purity and simplicity;rediscover one's true self;return to one's original purity and simplicity;regain nature;
归正 reform (oneself);mend one's ways; 归置 [口] (整理) put in order;tidy up;
归宗 ascent;(of an adopted child) return to one's own parents or clan;
归总 put (items,etc.) together;sum up;
归罪 put the blame on;impute to;incriminate;inculpate;
归罪于人 lay ... at somebody's door;lay one's sins [offenses] at another person's threshold;scapegoatism





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