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单词 appearance
appearance/ ə′pɪ ərəns, AmE -′pir-/ n [-s / ɪz/]

(1)出现;到;登台;出庭;出版;存在(act or fact of appearingas to the eye or mindbefore the public or a judgeor a place)[C]:They ran off at the sudden~of a policeman/a bear.警察/熊突然出现,他们立即逃之夭夭。look forward to the~of spring 期待春天的到来;sb's~at a party 某人在聚会上露面;make/put in an~at the beginning of a meeting 在会议开始时短时间露一下面;make one's first~on the stage/at a local theatre 首次登上舞台/在一地方剧院登台;make a television~在电视上露面;the~of a prisoner before the judge/the magistrate 囚犯出庭/在地方法庭受审;the~of credit cards 信用卡的出现;〖同〗appearing;〖反〗disappearance,vanishing;

(2)外表(貌),样子(what can be seen of sb/sth;what sb/sth looks like;outward aspect)[U;C通常sing]:a person of good/handsome/healthy/noble~一个外貌佼好/英俊/健康/高雅的人;be poor by one's~样子显得很穷;From her~she seemed very wealthy.从外表看她很富有。have an unhealthy/neat~病恹恹/干净利落的样子;have (give) (all) the/every~of being happy/well/true 从外表上看(显得)很快活/健康/真实;This has the~of truth.这显得是真的。be/look like sb/sth in~外表像……;A~is not everything in life.外貌对于生活并非一切。The~was quite different.样子完全不同。change the~of an area 改变一个地区的面貌;〖同〗look ,aspect;

(3)表面现象(what can be seen but may be false)[C]:He gave the~that he was doing well until he flunked.他给人的印象是学习不错,可后来却考试不及格。The place had an~of calm,but this was only~;underneath there was a terrible struggle for existence.这地方看上去平静,可这只是表面现象,暗地里却存在着一场剧烈的生存斗争。judge by~s 根据表面现象判断;〖同〗pretence;

keep up appearances 装(撑持)门面:Although they are poor now,they buy expensive clothes to keep up~s.虽然他们现在穷了,却买昂贵的衣服以装门面。

to/by/from all appearances 显然,外表上:By/To/From all~s,it is perfect/they are very much in love.看得出来,这很完美/他们非常相爱。

←ap′pear v;

【辨异】appearanceaspect 皆可指人或物的“外表”;不同之处在于aspect(外表,面貌)为书面用语,且指特殊时间或环境下的appearance,常带有感情色彩,如:In the dusk the forest had a terrifying aspect.(黄昏时森林的样子很恐怖。)还有guise (伪装)指为一定目的或场合给人错觉的假象,如:under the guise of friendship(打着友谊的幌子)。





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