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单词 counsel


1. advice,direction,suggestion劝告,指教,建议。
△Tw4.3. 8: “His counsel now might do me golden serv-ice,”他的劝告现在对我有绝大的帮助。
△As.3.2.431(404):“Yet I profess curing it by counsel.”但是我有办法指教你把它治好。
△Rom.1.1.147(142):“Unless goodcounsel may the cause remove.” i.e. Unless good ad-vice may remove the cause of his sadness. 除非良言劝告可以解除他烦恼的根苗。
△Rom.2.2.81: “He lent mecounsel,”他教给我主意。
△Rom.3.3.158(159): “OLord,I could have stayed here all the night/To heargood counsel.”啊,上帝! 我可以在这里待一晚上听这些好教训。
△R.Ⅲ.2.3. 19:“For then this land was famouslyenriched/ With politic grave counsel; then theKing/Had virtuous uncles to protect his Grace.”因为当时国内的重大朝政有的是英明的主张;当时国王身边也有一批贤德的叔伯们卫护着他。
△3H.Ⅵ. 2. 3. 11: “What counsel give you? Whither shall we fly?”你还有什么主意?我们往哪里逃?
△3H.Ⅵ.4.8.1:“What counsel,lords?”诸位大人,有何高见?
use and counsel: advice忠告,意见。
△1H.Ⅳ.1.3. 20:“When we need/Your use and counsel,we shall send for you. ”i.e. When I need to use you in counsel,etc.什么时候我需要向你讨教,我会派人去请你。
2. secret秘密。
△Lr.1.4.34(32):“I can keep honest counsel,”i.e. I can keep an honourable secret. 我能保守正当的秘密。
△Oth.4.2.93(94):“I pray you turn the key and keep our counsel.”我请你锁上门,给我们保守秘密。
3. private or secret purpose,inmost thought心事,衷曲。
△L.L.L.5. 2. 141: “Their several counsels they unbosom shall /To loves mistook,”他们将各自把绵绵情话低诉于认错了的爱人之前。
△Wiv.4.6.6: “and I will (at the least) keep your counsel.”我至少可以为你保守秘密。
△Lr. 1. 4. 347(322):“This man hath had good counsel—a hundred knights!”这个人倒打得好主意,一百名骑士!
4. secrecy机密。
△Rom.4.2.211(197): “Two may keep counsel,putting one away(= if one is away)”.i.e. ❶Two,but not three,can keep a secret;
❷Twomay keep a secret if one of them does not know it二人守秘密,添一个就漏了气。(另一种解释:两个人可以守秘密,但是其中一个根本不知情——意即只有一个人才能守秘密。)
△Gent.2.6.35: “Myself in counsel his competitor”,我是他的同谋者,与闻了这个机密。
5. confidence,secrecy信任,机密。
△Oth.3.3.111:“And when I told thee he was of my counsel (= in my confidence)/ In my whole course of wooing,”当我告诉你在我求爱的整个过程里他一直是我的心腹(又译:一直参与我的秘密)。
6. private speech,confidences,secrets密谈,私房话,悄悄话。
△Mid.1.1.216: “Emptying our bosoms of their counsel sweet,”互相倾吐着我们的衷肠。
△Rom.1.3.9:“thou’s hear our counsel.” 你也要听听我们的谈话。
△Rom.2.2.53:“So stumblest on my counsel?”这样偷听了我的秘密?
△Mid.3.2.198: “all the counsel that we two have shared,”我们两人从前推心置腹,说了多少知心话。
7. private,secrecy私人,私下。
△Wiv. 1.1. 123(118):“in counsel”,i.e. in private,私人间,私下里。
8. private communication 密信。
△L.L.L. 3. 1.177(168): “And to her white hand see thou do commend/This sealed-up counsel.”你把这一件密封的私函交到她那洁白的小手里。
9. consultation; counsellor咨询;顾问。
△2H.Ⅳ.5.2.135:“And let us choose such limbs of noble counsel/ That the great body of our state may go/In equal rank with the best governed nation.”我要选一些贤明人士做顾问,使我们这个伟大国家的肌体能跟治理最好的国家并驾齐驱。
10. counsellor in law,advisor法律顾问,顾问。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.2.154(134):“As I was then advised by my learned counsel in the laws of this land-service,I did not come.”那时候,我听从了我那精通陆地军役法的顾问的劝告,我没有来。
△Ado.2.3.220(201): “Let her wear it out with good counsel.”让她自己好好想一想,日久也就淡忘了。
△R.III.4.3.56:“Mycounsel is my shield;” i.e. My deliberation lies in myshield(= arming myself). 拿起武器就是我的主意。
12. consultation; plans协商;计划。
△2H.VI.1.1.97(96): “Shall Henry’s conquest,Bedford’s vigilance,/Your deeds of war,and all our counsel die?”难道亨利王的征服、贝德福的戒备、诸位的战功以及我们的一切计谋都要化为乌有了吗?


1. advise,direct劝告,指点。
△As.3.3.101(95): “Gothou with me,and let me counsel thee.”你跟我来,让我给你出个主意。
△Gent.1.2.2: “Wouldst thou thenCounsel me to fall in love?” 你赞成我跟人家恋爱吗?
△Ado.3.1.83:“And counsel him to fight against hispassion,”劝他克制自己的痴情。
△Rom.3.5. 210(208):“Comfort me,counsel me!”安慰安慰我,给我出个主意。
△ R.III.1.4.260(250):“Have you that holy feeling inyour souls / To counsel me to make my peace withGod,”你们心灵中既然有这种神圣的感情,劝我向上帝讲和。
△H.VIII.5.5.30 (5.4.29): “Holy and heavenlythoughts still counsel her.”虔诚而圣洁的思想会永远教导她。
2. deliberate on,consider思考,考虑。
△2H.IV.1.1212: “Go in with me,and counsel every man (i.e.letevery man consider) / The aptest way for safety andrevenge.”跟我进来,每个人都仔细考虑一下自卫和复仇的最妥善的办法。
~ vi. advise提出劝告。
△Mer.3.2.6: “Hate counselsnot in such a quality.”i.e.Hate does not give suchadvice. 嫌憎是不会这样向人提出劝告的。


◇ keep one’s own counsel秘而不宣
take counsel with sb.与某人商议…/ counsel for the defence辩护律师
counsel in chambers顾问律师
Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council临时立法会法律顾问
legal counsel法律顾问
legal counsel of the Foreign Ministry外交部法律顾问
counselling psychology辅导心理学
counselling relationship辅导关系
counselling teacher辅导教师
counselling techniques辅导技术





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