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单词 seek
seek/si:k/ vsoughtsought/sɔ:t/](fml)

(1)寻找(求)(try to find;search for;look for)[II+prep (after/for)尤passT+n](fml):“S~you shall find.” (the Bible) “寻找,你就会发现。” (出自《圣经》); ~after a cure for cancer 寻求治愈癌症的方法; His book is much sought after.他的书是人们求之不得的。The early editions of Shakespeare's plays are highly sought after.莎士比亚剧本早期版本是人们求之若渴的。~for another topic of conversation/a solution to the problem 寻求另一话题/寻求解决问题的方式;some long sought-for changes in working conditions一直寻求的工作条件的改善;~a job/a lodging-house/a place to rest寻找一份工作/寄宿房舍/休息的地方;~employment in London/asylum in a foreign embassy/re-election next year寻求在伦敦就业/外国使馆避难/明年再次当选;~wealth/fame/happiness/comfort/perfection寻求财富/追逐名誉/寻找幸福/追求舒适/追求完美;The reason for his failure is not far to~.不难找到他失败的原因。The connection between dress and war is not far to~. 不难找到战争与服饰之间的关系。〖同〗pursue;

(2)请(寻)求(requestask for)[T+nT+n+prep (from)]:~opinion征求看法;~information寻求信息;~approval/aid/recognition请求同意/帮助/承认;~advice from one's lawyer向律师求教;~permission from the manager请求经理批准;〖同〗request;〖反〗neglect,avoid;

(3)试图,设法(tryattempt (to do sth)[I+to]:~to please/convince/understand/kill sb想要取悦/说服/理解/杀死某人;~to reduce the use of oil/govern the country/destroy the government/make peace between the two 试图减少石油消耗/管理国家/搞垮政府/使双方和解;〖同〗 try,attempt,

(4)往,朝……去(go to;move towards)[T+n]:~one's home/one's bed 回家/就寝;A magnet~s the north磁针指向北方;Water~s its own level. 水自然向低处流。The compass pointer always~s the north. 罗盘指针总是指向北方。

seek out (v adv)找到(出)(vt):~out all one's old friends找来所有的朋友;~out some information on accommodation in the area查找到这个地区的住房信息;

→′seeker n 寻找者





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