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单词 see
see/si: / v saw/sɔ: /, seen/si:n /]

(1)看见(be aware of sth by using the eyes;perceive with the eyes)[T+nT+thatT+whC+n+ingC+n+infC+n+ed][不用prog]:~a light/a signal/a tree看见一盏灯/一个信号/一棵树;~some people in the garden看到花园里有一些人;~nothing in the darkness 在黑暗中什么也没看见;I saw that the door was open/it was raining outside/the box was empty.我看见门开着/外面在下雨/盒子是空的。Did you~which platform the train left from/how he shoed the horse/what happened? 你看见这趟列车是从哪个站台开出的/他怎样钉马蹄铁的/发生了什么事吗?~the children playing in the playground/something moving in the corner/a train coming into the station看见儿童在游乐场上玩/有东西在角落里动/火车驶进车站;She didn't want to be seen visiting the doctor.她不想让人看到她去看医生。~Mary take the bicycle away/a police van park outside the house/the French team play against Wales看到玛丽把自行车骑走了/一辆警车停在房子外边/法国队与威尔士队打比赛;He was seen to pick it up.有人看到他把东西捡起来了。~sb quite so sure of himself/awarded the winner medal/knocked down by a car看到某人如此自信/被授予优胜者奖章/被汽车撞倒;〖同〗witness,notice;〖反〗overlook,ignore;
 (2)看(见)(have the sense or power of sight)[II+prepI+p][通常不用prog](常于can和could连用):~,hear,and think 看、听与思考;The blind do not~.盲人看不见东西。 It was so foggy that he could hardly~.雾太浓,他几乎什么也看不到。can't~in the dark/without one's glasses在黑暗中/没有眼镜什么也看不见;can~for miles and miles from this hilltop从这个小山顶能看到很远很远的地方;After six years of blindness he found he was able to~again.失明六年以后,他发现自己又能看到东西了。〖同〗spot;〖反〗ignore;
 (3)观看(watch;look at)[T+n][通常不用prog]:~a play/a show/a movie/a match看戏/演出/电影/比赛;go to~the World's Fair/Taj Mahal/the sight of Paris去参观世界博览会/泰姬陵/巴黎风光;want to~America 想去游览美国;〖同〗look at;
 (4)碰(遇)见(meet;come in contact with)[T+n][通常不用prog]:I'm very pleased to~you.我见到你很高兴。Have you~n John?你见到约翰了吗?~sb's husband in town在城里遇见某人的丈夫;~sb's mother at the party晚会上见到某人的母亲;~some friends at the weekend 周末遇到几位朋友;I've only~n her twice in the last three years.过去的三年里我仅见到她两次。〖同〗meet,encounter;
 (5)与……在一起(来往)(keep company with;be dating regularly)[T+n][尤用 prog]:be~ing too much of the same boy频繁地与同一个男孩在一起;He is~ing a married woman.他与一位有夫之妇在一起。They had been~ing each other for a year.他们交往已经有一年了。How long has she been~ing him? 她与他来往有多长时间了?〖同〗date;
 (6)会晤(见)(have an interview with;consult)[T+nT+n+prep (about)]:~a dentist/lawyer去看牙医/见律师;I'm~ing my doctor tomorrow.我明天去看医生。May I~you a moment?我可以和你谈一会儿吗?I'll~Thomas about it.我要找托马斯谈一谈这件事。〖同〗consult;
 (7)会(接)见(accept a visit from sb;receive)[T+n]:too ill to~anyone病得不能会见任何人;The manager/ambassador/president is ready to~you.经理/大使/总统准备接见你。The doctor can't~you at the moment.医生这会儿还不能给你看病。I shall be~ing them tomorrow.我明天会见他们。〖同〗interview;
 (8)拜访,探望(call on;visit)[T+n]:~sb at his house到家里去拜访某人;Please come and~us again soon.请很快再来看我们。〖同〗visit,call on;
 (9)参见(看)(look at a pageetc in a booka notice on a wall etc for information)[T+n]:S~page 20/chapter 16/the preface to the book/the footnote on the next page/the notice near the door参见第20页/第16章/书的前言/下页脚注/门旁通知;For further information~the appendix.详情参见附录部分。〖同〗read,refer to;
 (10)领会,理解,明白(get a clear mental impression of;understand)[IT+nT+thatT+wh][通常不用prog]:Oh,I~.啊,我懂了。I don't~at all.我一点也不明白。You shall~.你会明白的。~the point of the argument/the advantage of doing that明白这个论点的/做这事的裨益;I can~that my idea was a bad one/the plan was unwise.我明白我的主意不好/这个计划不明智。Do you~why Mr. Smith is worried/how they got killed/what I mean? 你明白史密斯先生为什么忧虑/他们是如何被杀的/我是什么意思吗?~how to work out the problem明白如何解决该问题;〖同〗understand,know;〖反〗misundersand;
 (11)想象,设想(construct a mental image;imagine)[C+n+-ingC+n+prep (as)][不用prog]:can't~sb being a good mother/accepting the job now/objecting to it无法想象某人会成为好母亲/会现在接受这份工作/会反对这件事;Can you~a future for him in arts?你能想象他在艺术上会有前途吗?~sb as a leader/a friend/a teacher/a president设想某人是领导/朋友/教师/总统;He could still~his hometown as it once was.他仍然能想象出以前家乡的样子。〖同〗picture;
 (12)有对……的看法,解释(think aboutconsideresp interpret sth in a particular way)[T+nC+n+prep (as)][通常不用prog]:~the situation differently对形势看法不同;Try and~the issue your way/from your point of view/in a new light.尽量从你的角度/按你的观点/以新的角度看这个问题。~oneself as brave认为自己勇敢;~sb's collection as valuable 认为某人的文集有价值;~the gift as a bribe 认为这礼物是贿赂;〖同〗regard,consider;
 (13)经历(受)(have personal knowledgeexperience)[T+n][不用prog]:~hard times/better days/a lot of trouble/services in the army 经历艰苦的时期/过较好的日子/遭受许多苦难/在陆军服兵役;That old man has~n both success and failure in his long life.那位老人在他漫长的人生中有过成功,也遭受过失败。That coat has~n hard wear. 那件外衣已经穿得很旧。The spade has~n plenty of use. 铁锹用得真够劲儿。〖同〗experience,undergo,go through;
 (14)历经,目睹,见证(be characterized by;be the setting of;witness) [T+n] [不用prog]:Our age has~n scientific miracles. 我们的时代出现过许多科学奇迹。The 1990's has~n great changes. 上世纪90年代发生了许多巨大变革。This year has~n a series of bad harvests. 今年收成连续不好。This island has~n a lot of history.这个岛屿是大量历史的见证。〖同〗witness,bring forth;
 (15)(经过考虑,思考)发觉(了解) (discoverfind out learn by thinking considerthink)[IT+wh](无prog):“Do you think there will be time to stop for meal?”“I'll(have to)~.”“你看有吃饭的时间吗?”“让我想想。”Let me~—how does that song go?让我想想,那首歌怎么唱来着?I'll~whether it is accurate/what I can do/if I can find him for you.我要考虑考虑那是不是准确/我能做些什么/我是否能为你找到他。〖同〗think,consider;
 (16)(经询问,寻找)发觉(了解,获悉)(discoverfind outlearn by asking or searching)[I T+that T+wh][无pass]:go and~去看一看;wait and~等着瞧;want to~for oneself想亲自去看看;“What are their plans ?”“I'll~.”“他们的计划是什么?”“我去了解一下。”~that the Prime Minister has resigned/England won the match last night/the government lost the vote in Parliament了解到首相已经辞职/昨晚英国队赢得了比赛/政府在议会选举中失败;~what they want/whether it is accurate/if Helen has arrived/who is at the door看看他们要什么/那是不是准确/海伦是否到达了/谁在门口;I'll go and~what the children are doing.我去看一看孩子们在干什么。〖同〗find out;
 (17)注意,务必使(be sure or make certain(that sth happens))[T+n][通常不用prog]:S~that you're ready by eight/she got the message/justice is done her.你务必在8点准备就绪/搞清楚她确实得到了那消息/设法使她得到公平。〖同〗make sure,take care,watch,mind;
 (18)陪伴,护送(go with sb to the stated place;accompany;attend)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~sb to the bus station/across the street/into a taxi/out of the building送某人去汽车站/通过街道/上出租车/走出大楼;~Kate home/there/out 陪(送)凯特回家去/到那里/走出去;〖同〗accompany;
 seeing (that)鉴于……,因为考虑到……:He has done well to pass his exams,~ing that he has been ill a lot.考虑到他病了很久,各门课程都考及格就不错了。
 see nothing/little/less/more/much/a lot of sb从不/很少/更少/较多/经常/常常和某人在一起:We don't~much of each other.我们并不经常见面。I have~n a great deal of Helen and her mother.我总能看到海伦和她的母亲。
 see about (v prep)料(办)理,安排(vt):~about the tickets/putting the children to bed负责办理车票/照顾孩子们睡觉;I will~about it.我来安排此事。
 see after (v prep)照顾,处理(vt):~after a baby/the visitors/the details of the contract 照顾一个婴儿/关照来访者们/负责处理合同的细节;
 see off (v adv) 1)为……送行(vt):I went to the airport to~her off.我去机场为她送行。 2)击败,击退(vt):He may not have~n off the challengers for the leadership of the party. 他可能还没击败争夺党的领导权的挑战者。
 see out (v adv)维持到……时候(vt):Will our supplies~the winter out? 我们的供给足够过冬吗? He's very ill;he may not~the week/month/rest of the year out.他病得很重,可能活不过一周/一个月/年底。
 see over (v adv)仔细察看(vt):I shall need to~over the house and grounds.我需要仔细察看一下房舍和场地。
 see through (v prep) 1)看透(穿),识破(vt,不用prog):~through sb's lies/sb's trick/sb's scheme识破某人的谎言/把戏/诡计;He can't fool her;she~s through him every time.他欺骗不了她,她每次都看透他的伎俩。 2)把 ……做完,干到底(vt,不用prog):We must~this thing through now that we've started it.既然我们开始了,就必须把这项工作干完。 3)帮助度过困难(vt,不用prog):I think I can borrow a bit to~us through .我想我能借一点,以克服我们目前的困难。
 see sb through sth帮助度过难关(vt不用prog):He saw me through all the hard times.他曾经帮助我度过所有艰难岁月。
 see to (v prep)处(料)理(vt):~to the dinner/the arrangements for the wedding/the visitors负责料理晚饭/安排婚礼事宜/照料贵宾;
 see to it that务必,一定注意:Please~to it that no one comes in without identification.务必保证,没有证件谁也不准入内。
 →′seeing conj 鉴于,因为;′see-through adj 透明的





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