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单词 royal
释义 royal /'roial; 'raial/ adj of, like, suitable for, supported by, belonging to the family of, a king or queen: (女)王的; 像王的; 适于王的; 由王支持的; 王室的; 属于王室的; 威严的; 高贵的; 盛大的: His R ~ Highness; 殿下; the ~ family; 王室; 王族; the R~ Society; (KA) 皇家学备 the R ~ Navy/Air Force; 皇家每童 '( 空童); a ~ welcome, one fit for a king, etc; splendid. 盛大的欢迎。 ~ road to. (fig) easiest way of getting (to): (喻)捷径: Practice is the ~ road to success when learning a language. 练习是学习语言的捷径。 R ~ Commission, one officially appointed to hold an enquiry and issue a report. (由英国皇室正式指派的)调查委员会。 ~ly /'roiali; 'roxah/ adv in a ~ or splendid manner: 威严地; 高贵地; 盛大地: We were ~ly entertained. 我们受到盛大地招待。~心 /'roiahst; 'roialist/ n supporter of a king or queen or of ~ government; supporter of the ~ side in a civil war. 保皇者;保皇党员。




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