单词 | child |
释义 | child/tʃaɪld/ n [child·ren /′tʃ ɪldrən/] (1)胎儿,婴儿(unborn or recently born human being;baby)[C]:be expecting one's first~就要生头胎了;lose one's first~before it should have been born产前流掉了头胎;be with~怀孕;get a woman with~使女人怀孕;〖同〗baby,infant; (2)小孩,儿童(young person of either sex from the time of birth to the stage of physical maturity)[C]:There were thirty~ren in the class.班里有30个孩子。a~actor/bride/labourer儿童演员/童养媳/童工;C~ren's Day儿童节;~psychology儿童心理学;〖同〗youth,youngster,kid,boy,girl;〖反〗adult,grown-up; (3)孩子,儿女(son or daughter (of any age) in a family)[C]:Captain James Cook was the~of a Yorkshire farm labourer.詹姆斯·库克上尉是约克郡一个农夫的儿子。~ren of Abraham 亚伯拉罕的儿女们;an only~独生子;He has only one~.他只有一个孩子。be married with two~ren 已婚,并有两个子女;〖同〗son,daughter; (4)孩子气的人(older person who behaves childishly)[C]:He is already 50,but he is still a child.他已经50岁了,可还有点小孩气。Don't be such a~.别这么孩子气! (5)没有经验的人(person without experience)[C]:He declared that he was only a~in money/financial matters.他声称,在钱/财务的问题上他毫无经验。He's a~when it comes to dealing with women.在与女人打交道方面他没有什么经验。 (6)深受……影响者;产儿(物)(person or thing very influenced by another person, a period,place or state of affairs)[C][N(of)]:He is a real~of the (19)80's.他是个真正80年代的人物。a~of poverty/the depression/scientific developments贫穷/经济萧条/科学发展的产物;His books were the~ren of his brains.他的书是他智慧的结晶。 →′childless adj 无儿无女的;′child-bearing n 生育;′childbirth n 生产,分娩;′childlike adj 孩子似的,天真无邪的;′child-minder n 照看孩子的人;′childhood n童(幼)年;′childish adj |
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