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单词 charge
charge/tʃɑ:dʒ, AmE tʃɑ:rdʒ/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s/ ɪz/]

v (1)控告,指控(accuse sb of sth illegal officially and openlyesp formally in a court of law)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~sb with murder/crime/an offence/ theft指控某人谋杀/犯罪/犯罪/偷窃;~sb with stealing/breaking the law/neglecting his duty指控某人偷窃/违法/玩忽职守;〖同〗 accuse;
 (2)声(宣)称,指控(claim;make an accusation)[T+that](fml):The senator~d that the factories were polluting the river.参议员指责工厂在污染那条河。They~d that the police had beaten three students to death.他们声称警察将三个学生毒打致死。It is~d that...据称…… 〖同〗claim,assert;
 (3)猛冲,攻击(rush forward or rush at in or as if in a forceful attack)[II+prep(at),T+nI+adv(down/in/up)]:The bullfighter stepped aside as the bull~d.牛冲来时斗牛士退向一边。The troops/soldiers~d(at) the enemy lines. 部队/士兵向敌人的防线冲击。The animal~d (at) the hunter. 野兽向猎人猛冲过去。~down (up) the stairs/the hill 奔下(上)楼/山;~off/in跑开/进;~angrily through the hall 生气地从大厅这头冲向那头;〖同〗rush,attack;〖反〗retreat,withdraw;
 (4)要价,收(费)(ask (an amount of money)(from sb) as the price(for sth))[I I+prep(for),T+nT+n+prep(for),D+n+n]:Do they~for the use of the telephone? 那儿打电话收费吗?~£2(an hour)/a high price/a tax(on sth)/a toll(on some roads) (每小时)收两英镑/索要高价/征收(……的)税/收(某些道路)的过路费;~sb for delivery向某人收送货费;~nothing for the luggage行李不收费;~£10 for a room/a haircut/a dozen of eggs一间房/理发/一打鸡蛋索价10英镑;~advertisers expensive prices/100,000 a minute向做广告者索要高价/每分钟10万美元;How much will you~me for repairing my car? 修理我的汽车你要收多少钱?~sb forty pence/extra money for doing sth为做某事向某人索要40便士/额外费用;Each student was ~d 10 for admission.每位学生入学费收10美元。〖同〗ask,demand;〖反〗give;
 (5)记账(make a note of (a sum of money) as being owned)[T+n+adv(up),T+n+adv(up)+prep(to),T+n+prep(to)]:~the goods/the groceries/the bill(up) to sb('s account) 把货物/食品杂货/账单记在某人的账上;
 (6)装上(弹药)(load)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~a gun (with a heavy shell) 给炮装上(一枚重型)炮弹;~a cannon (with a shot) 给加农炮装上炮(霰)弹;~a bomb(with dynamite)给炸弹装上(黄色)炸药;
 (7)斟酒(fill (a glass))[T+nT+n+prep(with)](lit):C~your glasses and drink(a toast) to his health/him.把酒杯斟满,为他的健康/他干杯。~one's glass with wine给杯子斟上酒;〖同〗fill;〖反〗empty;
 (8)充电((cause to)be filled with certain amount of electricity)[IT+nT+n+prep(with)]:Is that battery~ing? 那电瓶在充电吗? My car battery~s easily.我的汽车电瓶容易充电。~a (storage/car) battery给(蓄/汽车)电池组充电;The air was ~d with electricity.空气中带电。〖同〗fill,load;
 (9)使……充满(情绪,情感等)(fill sth/sb(with an emotion))[尤passT+nT+n+prep(with)](fig):The coach~d his team with reckless spirit.教练使队员们染上大大咧咧的习气。The air was~d with excitement. 到处弥漫着激动的气氛。The atmosphere was~d with fury.愤怒的气氛弥漫着。The reply was~d with fear.回答中充满恐惧。He is always~d with strength and power.他总是精力充沛。
 (10)指示,命令(order;command;instruct)[T+nC+n+to-inf](fml):(judge)~the jury(法官)训示陪审团;He~d me to look after his daughter/Alice not to forget what she had said.他要我照看他的女儿/嘱咐艾丽斯不要忘了她说的话。(major)~his soldiers to stand firm(少校)命令士兵站好;(sentry)~the intruder to halt(哨兵)命令闯入者站住;(judge)~them to be silent(法官)叫他们别说话;
 (11)委任(entrust sb with a dutytask or responsibility)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:be~d with an important mission/a new task/a job 受委派重要使命/新的任务/一项工作;be~d with the supervision of the children/seeing that everything went well被委派管理那些孩子/负责保证一切顺利;〖同〗command,order,direct,instruct;
 →′chargeable adj 可被指控的;可记账的;′charged adj 充满感情的;
 n(1)指控,罪名(official statement or accusationesp one made in a legal case)[C]:The~was murder/robbery.罪名是谋杀/抢劫。arrest sb on a ~of murder/robbery(on a murder/robbery~)因谋杀/抢劫罪逮捕某人;make/bring a~(of murder) against sb控告某人(犯谋杀罪);face two~s of murder/stealing面临两起谋杀/偷窃指控;〖同〗 accusation;
 (2)猛冲,攻击(rushing;sudden forceful attack(by soldiersanimalsfootballersetc)[C]:be at the head of one's platoon in every~每次冲锋都跑在全排的前面;lead the~on horseback骑马带头冲锋;the~of an angry bull一头发怒公牛的攻击;a cavalry~骑兵的冲击;〖同〗attack;rush;〖反〗retreat,withdraw;
 (3)费用,索价(amount of money asked for stheg foods or services)[C]:What is the~for a telephone call? 一次电话费是多少? the~for admission/a front-row seat门票费/前排座位价;the~for a room/electricity/gas/parking/the service房/电/煤气/存车/服务费;Goods are delivered free of~.货物免费运送。There's no~(a~of £10) for delivery.不收投递费(投递费10英镑)。The bank~s for being overdrawn are very high.银行的透支费很高。〖同〗fee,cost,price,expense;
 (4)一次发射(爆炸)所需的炸药(amount of explosive to be set off at one time)[C]:Put the~in place and light the fuse.填好炸药,点燃导火索。Place the~on bottom of the ship to blow it up.把炸药放在船底好把船炸开。
 (5)充(含)电量;电荷(amount of electricity filled in a battery or contained in a substance)[C]:The battery contains positive and negative~s.电瓶带正电和负电。
 (6)命令,指示(instructions;directions)[C](fml):the judge's~to the jury法官对陪审团的训示;〖同〗direction,instruction,order,command;
 (7)负责,管理,照顾(care or responsibility)[U][N(of)]:get (have/assume/take)~of a class/a team/a firm/a child挑起(负有/担负/承担)管理一个班/领导一个队/管理一个商号/照顾一个小孩的责任;under/in sb's~在某人的管理下;〖同〗care,control,management;
 (8)受照顾的人或事(person or thing left in sb's care)[C]:Parentless children are the~s of an orphanage.孤儿们由孤儿院照管。These children are my~s.这些孩子由我照顾。
 (9)责任,义(任)务(duty;responsibility;task)[C](fml):My~is to win the souls of men.我的责任是赢得人的心灵。
 in charge(of)负责(照管):She was left(put) in~of the children/a department/a shop.让她来负责照顾这些孩子/一个部门/一家商店。Who is in~here? 这儿谁负责?
 in the charge of sb/in sb's charge 由(受)……负责(照顾):The children were/ were left in the~of a nurse.孩子们由保姆负责照顾。The hospital is in her ~.这医院由她负责。
 take charge(of)负责,照管:The class was badly organized until she took~(of it).直到她负责这个班,一切才井井有条。
 【辨异】 1)chargeaccuse的区别见 ACCUSE。2)chargepricecostexpensevaluefee意义相近,都与钱有关。price是单个具体物品出售时的“价钱”,如:the price of the house(房子的卖价);cost(费用)是指服务或其他事情所需花费的钱,如:the cost of decorating the house(装修房子(耗去)的费用);the cost of living(生活费用);expense(费用,开销)与cost 相近,特指很大的费用,包括cost和附加的支出,如:the terrible expense of building a house(盖一座房子的惊人花费);charge(索价,费用)指服务或商品所需向顾客索要的价钱和费用,如:the charge for mailing packages(邮寄包裹的费用);value指东西本身所值的钱(价值),如:sell sth at a price below its value(以低于价值的价钱出售某物);fee(……费)指某种专门服务的费用,如:school /entrance fee(学费/入门费)。以上几个词中除expense和fee外皆能用作动词。





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