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单词 chase
chase/tʃeɪs/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s / ɪz/]

v(1)追赶(逐)(run after and try to catch or overtake sb/sth)[I+prep(after),T+n]:(dog)~(after) a rabbit(狗)追兔子;(hunter)~(after) a deer(猎人)追逐鹿;(policeman)~(after)a burglar(警察)追捕窃贼;~a thief down a road沿路追一小偷;He~d after them but did not catch them.他紧跟追赶,但没有捉住他们。~sb by car for five miles乘车追某人五英里;〖同〗persue,trail,track;

(2)追求(异性)(make sexual advances to sb in an cunning way)[I+prep(after),T+n]:~(after) women 追逐女人;

(3)驱赶(逐)(drive away;cause to run away)[T+n+prepT+n+adv(away/off/out)]:~the boys away from a fruit tree把男孩从果树旁赶开;~the enemy away from one's country把敌人从自己的国家赶出去;~the children out of one's yard把孩子们从自己的院子里赶出去;~the cat out of the kitchen把猫从厨房里赶出去;sunlight~ing the gloom of night驱散黑夜的阳光;〖同〗drive;

(4)争取赢(获)得(try to win or get (sth))[T+nT+n+prep(after)](infml):~one's second league title 争取赢得第二届联赛冠军;He was away in Hollywood,~ing after some film job.他去好莱坞寻求拍电影的工作了。The company is~ing after a large order for its new machines.这家公司正在争取得到大批订购他们生产的新机器的订单。

(5)匆忙奔跑(hurry;rush)[I+adv(about/around)](infml):~aimlessly about the city/the town无目的地在市/城里到处跑;

→′chaser n 追赶者;喝完一种酒后再喝的另一种酒;

n(1)追赶(逐)(act of chasing;rapid pursuit)[C]:catch a criminal after a long/80 mph~经过长时间/每小时80英里的追赶后抓住罪犯;a wild~to catch up with the runaways追赶逃跑者的狂奔;Many huntsmen find the~more exciting than the kill.许多猎人发觉追逐(猎物)比射杀(猎物)更刺激。give~开始追赶;〖同〗 persuit;

(2)追猎(sport of hunting animals)[Cthe~](fml):the pleasures of the~追猎的乐趣;like riding in the~狩猎时喜欢骑马;

(3)被追者,猎物(person or thing being chased)[C]:The~escaped the hunter.猎物逃脱了猎人。catch up with the~in one hour一小时内追上被追者





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