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单词 check
check/tʃek/ vn & interj

v (1)核查(实),搞确实(examine or investigate to make sure of)[II+adv(up),T+that passT+wh pass]:Did you switch off the light? You'd better go and~.关灯了吗? 你最好去看一下。~(to see) if (that) the students have memorized the materials/the baby is asleep核实一下学生们是否记住了那些材料/婴儿是否睡了;
 (2)检(审)查,查(对)看(examine(sth)to make sure ofas for correctnesssafenessor good condition)[T+n]:~the tyres/the engine/the oil/the switch/the brakes/the gear/the light/the windows/the temperature/the figures/the stock查看轮胎/发动机/油量/开关/闸/车档/灯/窗户/温度/数字/存货;~the examination papers检查考试卷子;~the items against the list逐样核查单子;~the copy against the original根据原件查对副本;~one's work/one's answers/one's shopping list检查工作/答案/购物单;~the number in the telephone directory查对电话簿中的号码;〖同〗 examine,inspect,test;
 (3)制止,阻止(stop;prevent;control)[T+n]:~the enemy's advance/the flow of blood/the spread of disease/the growth of public spending/the aggression阻止敌人的推进/血流/疾病的传播/公众消费的增长/侵略;~the fire 控制住火势;~one's steps/one's horse停住脚步/勒住马;〖同〗 stop,halt;〖反〗continue,speed;
 (4)抑(克)制(hold(sth)back;restrain)[T+n]:~one's laughter/one's anger/one's tears/one's sobs/one's impulse to do sth抑制住笑/气愤/眼泪/啜泣/做某事的冲动;~oneself克制自己;〖同〗 restrain,control;
 (5)突然停住(stop suddenly)[I]:He went downstairs a few steps,checked and turned back.他往楼下走了几步,突然停住又返了回来。〖同〗pause,stop;
 (6)(国际象棋)将军((in chess) move so as to put (the opponent's king)under direct attack)[T+n];
 (7)寄存(衣,帽等);托运(行李)(leave(hatscoatsetc)to be stored for temporary safekeeping or (luggageetc) to be despatched)[T+nT+n+prep(in)](AmE):He~ed(in) his coat as he came in.他进来时把外衣存了起来。Have you~ed(in) all your luggage? 你的行李都托运了吗?~(in)one's baggage at the airport在机场托运行李;
 check in (v adv)办理登记手续(vi):~in at the airport/the hotel在机场/旅馆登记(登机/住宿);
 check off (v adv)作记号表示核对无误(vt):~off the parcels before they are despatched发送前核对包裹并作记号;
 check out (of) (v adv)1)结账退房(vi):The guest~ed out of his room in the morning.客人上午结账退房了。2)检查,核对(vt)(尤 AmE):~out the names and numbers核查人名和数字;
 check up (on)检查,核对:~up the tyres/the oil/the figures/the accounts查看轮胎/油量/数字/账目;~up the time of the train查对火车时刻;Have you been ~ing up on me? 你们一直在审查我吗?(见【说明】)
 n (1)检(审)查,查对(看)(examination to make sure ofas for correctnesssafeness or good condition)[C][N(on)]:a~of the addition and subtraction加、减运算的检查;keep close~on one's lands and possessions严格审查自己所拥有的土地和财产情况;give the tyres/one's paper a~检查轮胎/卷子;make a~of the pipes/one's pressure检查管子/血压;conduct a~on the quality of the goods检查商品质量;carry out~s on all the new cars对所有新车进行检查;a tyre~ 轮胎检查;an engine~ 发动机检查;〖同〗test,inspection,examination;
 (2)检查用的依据物(standard for testing or comparing)[C]:Your result will be a~on mine.你(计算)的结果将用来检查我的(计算)结果。
 (3)阻碍,抑制(stopcontrol or restraint)[C;U(in~)]:a~in the rate of production生产率的抑制;The army (reform) met with/received a~.军队(改革)遇到/受到了阻碍。keep a~on one's temper 控制脾气;keep(hold)the disease/the epidemic/one's anger/one's temper in~控制住疾病/流行病/怒火/脾气;〖同〗bar, block,halt,control,obstacle,restraint;
 (4)阻碍(抑制)物(sth that stopscontrols or restrains sth)[C][N(on)]:The bank of earth acted as a~against floods.土堤起到了阻挡洪水的作用。The woods and the river were a~on the army's advance.树林和河流是军队前进的障碍。a~on imports进口障碍;〖同〗 barrier;〖反〗 accelerator;
 (5)(国际象棋)将军((in chess)the situation when the king is under direct attack by an opponent's piece)[U]:You are/The king is in~!将军!put one's opponent's king in~将对方的军;
 (6)支票(written order to a bank to pay a certain amount from funds on deposit)[C](AmE)(= cheque):draw a~for fifty dollars payable to sb给某人开一张50美元的支票;
 (7)账单(bill at a restaurant)[C](AmE)(= bill):ask the waiter for one's~向侍者要账单;The~please,waiter!侍者,请结账!
 (8)寄存凭证(ticket or slip for claiming and identifying sth)[C](AmE):luggage(baggage)/trunk~行李/皮箱寄存凭证;a~for one's coat外衣寄存凭证;a cloak-room~衣帽寄存凭证;
 (9)正确号(√)(mark or sign made to show that sth is correct)[C](AmE)(=tick):a~mark 检查无误符号;
 interj 将军!((in chess)call made to one's opponent to warn that his king is under threat of direct attack);
 →′checkbook(AmE,=′chequebook)n支票簿;′checklist n 名(清)单;′checkmate v将死,攻王棋;′checkpoint n 检查哨,关卡;′checkroom(AmE,=′cloakroom,left-luggage office) n 衣物(行李)寄存处;
 【说明】 check up on 基本上与 check 同义,只是一种迂回说法,用 check 足以说明意思的场合尽量不用check up on,以免啰唆;但要表达仔细询问时,还是用 check up on 为好,如:The police are~ing up on the suspect.(警察正在询问嫌疑人。)
 【辨异】 1)checkrestrain都指对运动、进步、行动予以控制。check指突然抑制或停住;restrain(抑制,克制)指使用气力加以控制或克制,如:restrain a person from violent acts(阻止一个人采取暴力行为)。还有curb(抑制,控制)和repress(抑制,克制)也指对运动、进步、行动予以控制;curb指使用链子、樯等予以引导或控制,或迫使不超出一定范围,如:curb a horse(勒住一匹马);repress在正式语体中指“抑制”,现指“阻止”自然会发生的行为或发展,如:repress a sneeze(抑制打喷嚏)。2)checkceasearresthaltpausestop的区别见 ARREST。





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