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单词 chill
chill/tʃ ɪl/ n & vadj [-er/-est

n(1)凉气,寒气(意)(certain amount or feeling of unpleasant coldness in the weather or airin the bodyin wateretc)[C,通常 sing]:There was quite a~in the air last night.昨天夜里空气中颇有点凉意。feel the~of autumn/evening/night感觉到秋天/傍晚/夜晚的凉气;the black~of the Antarctic region北极地区的阴冷;A little~ran down her back.一丝寒气袭过她的脊背。〖同〗 chilliness,coolness,bite;〖反〗 warmth;

(2)寒战,风寒(illness caused by cold and wet weather and shown by shivering of the body)[C]:He caught a~from being out in the rain.他因在外面浇了雨而受了风寒。C~s and sneezing are signs of a cold.寒战和打喷嚏是感冒的特征。The mysterious sounds sent icy~s down my back/my spine. 那神秘的声音使我脊背冒寒气。〖同〗cold,shivering;

(3)扫兴,沮丧(unpleasant cold feeling of gloom or depression):The bad news cast a~over the gathering/the festivities.那坏消息破坏了聚会/庆祝活动的气氛。The bad news cast a~over everyone in the room.那坏消息使室内的每一个人都感到扫兴。His entrance cast a~into them all.他的出现使他们大家都扫兴。He noticed a~in the audience.他注意到听众中的沮丧情绪。〖同〗 depression,damp;

→′chilly adj 相当冷的;冷淡的,不友好的;

v(1)1)(使)觉得冷((make sb) feel chilly) [T+nI]:The rain (night air/March wind)~ed him to the bone/his bones.雨(夜晚的空气/3月的风)使他感到寒气刺骨。She felt her body~suddenly. 她突然感到身体发冷。My hands were~ed. 我的手冰冷。2)变凉(冷)(cause to become cold)[IT+n]:The earth~s when the sun sets. 日落后大地变凉。The icy wind~ed her face. 冷风把她的脸吹得冰凉。

(2)1)(使)(食物)变冷,冰(食物)((of food and drink)(cause to) become cool without freezingeg in a refrigerator)[IT+n]:put the dessert in the refrigerator to~.把甜食放进冰箱冰一下;~a dessert/the wine使甜点心/葡萄酒变凉;Let the beer/the pudding~for half an hour.让啤酒/布丁冰镇半小时。~ed beer冰镇啤酒;The beer is best served~ed. 啤酒最好喝冰镇的。〖同〗cool;〖反〗warm,heat;2) 冷藏(食物)(preserve (food) at a low temperature without freezing it)[T+n]:~ed meat/beef冷藏肉/牛肉;

(3)1)(使)寒战(心惊)((cause to)have a feeling of coldfear in)[IT+n]:My heart(blood)~ed when I heard the bad news/I thought of it.听到那个坏消息/想起那件事我的心不寒而栗(血液都凉了)。His sinister threat/eerie story~ed everybody.他阴险的威胁/恐怖的故事使人不寒而栗。He was~ed by her callousness. 她的冷酷使他不寒而栗。2)(使)失望(沮丧,扫兴)((cause to) become discouraged or low in spirits)[IT+n]:The failure(news/bad luck)~ed his hope/his enthusiasm.失败(那消息/坏运气)使他心灰意冷/热情消失。The threat of rain/bad weather~ed his enthusiasm for a trip.下雨的征兆/坏天气影响了他旅游的兴致。His affection had~ed.他的爱情已经冷却。〖同〗depress,discourage,dishearten;

→′chilling adj 恐怖的;

adj(1)寒冷的(cold)(=chilly):A~wind/breeze blew from the North.一股寒风/寒冷的微风从北方刮来。It was a~autumn day.那是个冷飕飕的秋日。I feel~.我觉得冷。〖同〗 chilly,chilling,cold,frosty;〖反〗 warm,hot;

(2)冷淡(漠)的 (not friendly;unduly formal):a~reception/welcome/greeting/meeting/reply 冷淡的接待/迎接/问候/会见/回答;Her suggestion was met with a~response.她的建议遭到了冷遇。〖同〗chilly,unfriendly,cold;〖反〗warm,friendly;

(3)令人失望(灰心)的(depressing or discouraging):~prospects令人失望的前景;〖同〗 depressing,discouraging;〖反〗encouraging;

【辨异】chillcoldchillingchillycool都表示程度不同的“冷”。cold(冷的)表示冷到可能使人痛苦的程度,如:cold water(冰冷的水);chill(寒冷的)指冷到刺骨、使人颤抖、麻木的程度,如:a chill wind(刺骨的寒风);chilling指冷到有摧毁作用的程度,如:a chilling wind(凛冽的寒风);chilly(有寒意的)表示的程度轻,但也能使人颤抖、不舒服,如:a chilly room(冷冰冰的房间);cool(凉爽的)指仅有一点凉,不暖和,如:a cool evening(凉爽的夜晚)。





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