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单词 charm
charm/tʃɑ:m, AmE tʃɑ:rm/ n & vt

n(1)1)魅力,感染(诱惑)力(power or ability to pleasedelightattract or win over people;attractiveness)[U]:have/hold much(great/a great deal of)~具有极大的魅力;the~of a beautiful woman/the peaceful countryside/roses/Mozart's music美丽的女人/宁静的乡村/玫瑰/莫扎特音乐的魅力;The cottage has an air of old-world~.这小屋有一种古色古香的魅力。a woman of great~颇有魅力的女人;〖同〗attractiveness,attraction;〖反〗unattractiveness; 2)迷人之处(的气质)(a person's quality or manner that attracts or wins over others)[C]:a woman's~s 一个女人的迷人之处;Her~made up for her lack of beauty.她的妩媚弥补了不够漂亮的缺陷。use all one's~s to try to attract sb运用妩媚去尽力吸引某人;The town has a~that couldn't be found in a big city.这镇子有一种大城市所没有的魅力。The essay has a~that couldn't be found in other writers. 这篇散文有一种别的作家的文章所没有的魅力。

(2)符咒,护身符(object worn or kept for its supposed magic effect to keep away evil and bring good luck)[C]:wear a (lucky)~on a chain round one's neck/a bracelet 脖子/手镯上系着一个吉祥符;carry sth as a~带着……作为护身符;The house was decorated with~s against the evil god. 那房子挂着避邪符咒。

(3)(手镯,链上的)饰物(small ornament worn hanging on a braceletnecklace or chain)[C]:a~bracelet带饰物的手镯;

(4)魔法,咒语(action or words supposed to have magic power)[C]:A~is the uttering of words or rhymes supposed to produce magical results.咒语被认为是能产生魔术般效果的话语或韵文。The princess was sent to sleep by a~.公主被施了魔法而进入了梦乡。The witch recited a~.女巫口念咒语。work like a~ 很奏效;

vt (1)迷人,令人神往(喜爱) (please;delight;attract;win over)[T+n]:She~s everyone she meets.她能迷住每一个遇见的人。~sb with one's conversation 谈话使人着迷;be~ed by sb's graciousness/sb's courtesy/sb's simple manners/sb's eloquence/sb's tales of adventure迷醉于某人的高雅/文雅的仪态/质朴的举止/口才/历险故事;be~ed to see sb非常想见某人;〖同〗 please,delight,attract;〖反〗displease,disgust;

(2)施以魔法(influence or affect by or as if by magic)[T+n+prep(from/out of)]:~a snake from/out of a basket施魔法让蛇出筐;(witch)~the prince into a frog(女巫)施魔法把王子变成青蛙;

(3)用魔法保护(protect with or as if with a charm)[T+n]:have/lead a~ed life有魔法护身;

→′charmer n 使异性迷恋的人;玩蛇人;′charming adj 迷人的,可爱的;′charmingly adv 迷人地





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