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单词 change
change/tʃeɪndʒ/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n [-s/ ɪz/]

v(1)改变((cause to)become different;alter) [IT+n]:The weather/colour/ plan/life has~d.天气/颜色/计划/生活变了。He's~d a lot.他大大变样了。Times are~ing.时代在变。~one's attitude/one's opinions/one's ideas/one's mind/ one's ways/one's tune改变态度/意见/主意/主意/方式/口气;~the subject/the time of a meeting/the colour of a picture/the face of the country改变话题/会议时间/画的颜色/国家的面貌;~a person改变一个人;〖同〗alter,shift,vary,modify;〖反〗remain;

(2)变成((cause (sb/sth) to) pass from one form or stage to another)[II+prep(from)(to/into), T+n+prep (from) (to/into)]:(caterpillar)~into a butterfly(毛虫)变成了蝴蝶;(man)~into a perfect miser(人)变成了彻头彻尾的守财奴;(wind)~from east to south(风)由东转向南;(leaves)~from green to brown(叶子)由绿变黄;(witch)~the prince into a frog/the princess into a cat(女巫)把王子变成一只青蛙/公主变成一只猫;~a substance into a different one把一种物质变成另一种物质;〖同〗turn;〖反〗remain;

(3)更换,换成(replace sb/sth with anotherusu of the same kind)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~one's hairdresser/one's doctor/one's bank/one's job/one's address/one's name/a bulb/a gear换理发师/大夫/银行/工作/地址/名字/灯泡/(车)档;~up/down(汽车)把变速器换到高/低档;~the car for a bigger one/the camera for a television set把车换成一辆大一些的/照相机换成电视机;〖同〗exchange,replace,substitute,shift;〖反〗keep;

(4)变换,改变(move from one(thingdirectionetc) to another)[T+n]:(person)~sides in an argument(人)辩论中变换立场;(ship)~course(船)改变航线;(wind)~direction(风)改变方向;

(5)互(调)换(exchangegive and receive(one thing for another)[T+nT+n+prep(with)](接pl n):~seats/places(with each other)(相互)交换一下座位/地方;〖同〗exchange;

(6)换车(get off one (trainbusetc)and then get into another)[II+prep(for),I+prep(from,to),T+n]:All~!所有乘客都换车!~at the next station/the next stop在下一站换车;~(trains) at Rugby for Manchester在拉格比换车去曼彻斯特;~to another train/bus 10/the trolley-bus (at the next station/the next stop)(在下一站)换乘另一列火车/10路公共汽车/无轨电车;~from a train to a bus/an express train to a slow one 由火车换乘公共汽车/快车换成慢车;〖同〗transfer;

(7)撤(更)换(put fresh clothes or covering on sb/sth)[T+n]:~a baby/a nappy/a bed/the sheets换尿布/尿布/床单/床单;

(8)换衣服(take off one's clothes and put on different or fresh ones)[II+prep(out of)(into),T+n]:She was~ing (for dinner).她在换(吃饭穿的)衣服。~out of one's overalls into a lounge suit/out of the damp cloths into something dry脱下工作服换上正装/脱下湿衣服换上干衣服;~into one's new suit/a pair of old trousers/something comfortable换上新衣服/一条旧裤子/舒服的衣服;~a dress /one's clothing/one's clothes更衣;~shirt 换衬衣;

(9)兑换(give or receive (one kind of) money for another)[T+nT+n+prep(for/into)]:Please~a five-pound note/the money(for me).请(给我)换开五英镑的票子/这些钱。~English money for foreign money/a five-dollar bill for five singles把英镑换成外币/一张五美元的票子换成五张一美元的;~dollars into pounds/Francs into sterling把美元换成英镑/法郎换成英国货币;

change hands转手:The company~d hands this year.这家公司今年换了主人。

→′changeable adj可变的;多变的;͵changea′bility n 可变性;

n(1)改变,变化((example of the)act of becoming different or making sth different;alternation)[CU][N(in/to)]:There was a~in the weather/the programme/the plan/the situation/the patient's condition/the business.天气/节目单/计划/形势/病人的状况/生意有了改变。a~of air/climate 气氛/环境变化;a~of heart变心;make/suggest/need/undergo/see a~进行/建议/需要/经受/经历改变;live through a time of great social~s 生活在社会大变革时代;be for/against~赞成/反对改变;A lot of~s have taken place since...自从……以来发生了许多变化。〖同〗difference,variation,alteration,modification;〖反〗permanence,fixedness;

(2)更(变)换(act of changing one thing for another)[C][N(of)]:a~of job/address变换工作/地址;a~of leader(ship)/government更换领导/政府;a~of oil(发动机内)换油;

(3)更换物(thing used in place of another or others)[C][N(of)]:take a~of clothes/clothing带换洗的衣服;

(4)换车(act of getting off one (trainbusetc)and getting into another)[C][N(from)(to)]:make a~(of train) at Rugby在拉格比换车;

(5)变化(sth different that can be useddoneetc for variety)[C][N(from)(to)]:a~from town to country life由城市生活改成乡村生活;You need a~;why not take a holiday?你需要调剂一下,何不去度假?This Sunday we'll take breakfast early for a~.这周日我们要改变一下,早早吃早餐。

(6)1)用整钱换成的零钱(money of small value exchanged for a unit of higher value)[U]:Will you give me/Have you got~for a £1 note? 能破开一英镑的票子吗?2)零钱(coins or notes of low value)[U]:I don't carry (have no) small change.我身上不带(没带)零钱。How much have you got in~? 你有多少零钱?~jingling in one's pocket在口袋里丁当响的零钱;3)找回的零钱,找头(money returned when the amount given in paying for sth is more than what is due)[U]:Here's your~. 这是找给你的钱。Here's the money. You can keep the~.给你钱,(零钱)别找了。This is the wrong~!找错钱了!I gave you £1 and this costs 90p,so I want 10p~.我给了你一英镑,这值90便士,所以得找给我10便士。

change for the better/worse 好转/恶化:Ring us up if there's any ~for the better or worse.要是有什么好转或恶化,请给我们打电话。

→′changeless adj 没有变化的;






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