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单词 channel
channel/′tʃ ænl/ nvt [-ll-,AmE -l-]

n (1)河床(bed of a riverstream or canal)[C]:

(2)沟,槽(U-shaped passage for a stream of water or other kinds of liquids)[C]:Heavy rain wore a~in the yard.大雨在院子里冲出一条沟。a sewage~污水沟;irrigation~灌溉渠;

(3)航道(passage of deeper water in a riverharbour or sea through which ships can sail)[C]:~marked by buoys 有航标的航道;The main~s were closed by enemy submarines.主要航道被敌人的潜水艇封锁了。

(4)海峡(narrow stretch of water joining two seas or oceans)[C]:We sailed across the English C~.我们横渡英吉利海峡。

(5)渠道,途径(means of sending or receiving newsinformationetc)[C,常 pl(但 sing意义)](fig):get information/notify the authorities through the usual~s通过通常渠道获得信息/报告当局;go through the official/normal/secret ~s通过官方/正常/秘密途径;have one's own~s of trade有自己的贸易渠道;open new~s of information开辟新的信息渠道;

(6)频道,波段(particular band of radio-waves frequencies used for sending or receiving signals)[C]:The country television has four main~s.这家国家电视台有四个主要频道。Let's see what's on the other~,shall we? 咱们看看另一频道播什么好吗? What's her favourite~? 她最喜欢哪个台? television~s 电视频道;switch to another~换一个频道;

(7)(思想,行为)方法(向)(waycourseor direction of thought or action)[C]:He directed his efforts into other~s. 他把精力用到别的方面去了。need a new~for one's activities需要一种新的行为方式;

vt (1)开渠(航)道(make a channel or channels through or in)[T+n]:The river~(l)ed its course(its way)through the valley/under the ground. 河流穿行于峡谷中/地下。~a street在街上挖沟(引水);

(2)(用渠)疏导(make water or liquid flow in a channel)[T+nT+n+prep]:Water was~(l)ed into the garden through a ditch.水通过一条小沟引进了花园。~a stream疏导溪流;

(3)导(引)向(direct into a particular course or channel)[T+nT+n+prep](fig):~one's abilities into(doing)sth useful把能力用到(做)有用的事情上来;~one's energies into a new scheme 把精力用于新计划;~one's thought towards one phase of the problem把脑子用到问题的一个方面;~North Sea oil revenues into industry将北海石油总收入投向工业;〖同〗direct,guide,lead,route





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