释义 |
秋[秌]qiū ❶ (秋季) autumn; [美] fall: ~ 风 autumn wind; 深 ~ late autumn; 在初 ~ in early autumn; 在1992年 ~ in the fall of 1992 ❷ (庄稼成熟时节) harvest time: 麦 ~ time for the wheat harvest ❸ (一年的时间) year: 千 ~ 万代 for thousands of years; 一日不见, 如隔三 ~。 One day apart seems like three years — miss sb. very much. ❹ (某个时期, 多指不好的) a period of time: 多事之 ~ an eventful period; troubled times; 危急存亡之 ~ critical juncture [time; moment] ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 瑾 Qiu Jin ◆秋播{农}autumn sowing; fall seeding; fall sow ̄ing; 秋波 bright eyes of a beautiful woman; 秋波暗送 send silent and endearing messages with bewitching eyes; 秋波传情 give sb. the glad eye; cast sheep's eyes; give a loving glance; Loving glances flashed from her liquid orbs.; make eyes at sb.; throw amorous glances at; 秋菜 autumn vegetable; 秋地 fields for autumn sowing; 秋冬之交 the time when autumn turns into winter; 秋分 the Autumnal Equinox (16th solar term); 秋风过耳 like an autumn breeze passing the ear — thinking sth. of no importance; can be regarded with indifference; (like) wind whistling past one's ears — pay no heed to; regard with indifference; turn a deaf ear to; 秋风飒飒 The autumn wind is soughing.; 秋风扫落叶 (like) the autumn wind sweeping away the withered [fallen; dead] leaves — wipe out the corrupt and evil in an easy way; irresistible force; The great force swiftly and easily extirpate the rotten and decaying things.; 秋风送爽 Autumn breezes bring cool.; 秋风萧瑟 The autumn wind is soughing.; 秋高马肥 In late autumn horses are fat.; 秋高气爽 an invigorating autumn climate; The autumn air was fresh.; The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp.; the clear and crisp autumn climate; dry, crisp air of autumn; 秋耕 {农} fall- plow; fall-plough; autumn ploughing; 秋海棠 {植} begonia; Begonia evansiania; 秋毫 autumn hair; newly-grown down; sth. so small as to be almost indiscernible; 秋毫无犯 not to injure the people in the least; forbid the slightest violation of the people's interests; In the land, through which the soldiers passed they took nothing and harmed no one.; No plundering was permitted, and the people did not suffer at all.; Not the least thing belonging to the inhabitants was to be taken.; not to cause the slightest damage [trouble] to the people; not to commit the slightest offense against the civilians; not to encroach on the interests of the people to the slightest degree; On the way the army did not trouble the people.; Through whatever town or city they passed, they robbed no one of anything.; 秋毫之末 the tip of an animal's autumn hair — very small; the minutest detail in everything; the minutest thing; 秋后 after autumn; after the autumn harvest; 秋后的蚂蚱 a grasshopper at the end of autumn — nearing its end; a locust in late autumn; be on one's last stage; The days are numbered.; 秋后算帐 square accounts after the autumn harvest — settle accounts with sb. afterwards; rake things up against sb.; wait one's opportunity to settle accounts with sb.; wait until after a political movement is over to settle accounts with the leadership or the masses; 秋季 autumn; [美] fall; 秋景 autumnal scenery; prospects for the autumn harvest; 秋老虎 after summer; afterheat; old wives' summer; {气} a spell of hot weather after the Beginning of Autumn; 秋粮 autumn grain crops; 秋凉 cool autumn days; 秋令 autumn; autumn weather; 秋牡丹 Japanese anemone; Japanese windflower; Anemone japonica; 秋千 swing; 秋热 old wives' summer; 秋色 autumn scenery; autumnal tints; 秋色平分 share [divide] on a fifty fifty basis; have equal shares (between two parties); divide equally between two; split even; leg and leg; 秋收 autumn harvest; 秋收起义 the Autumn Harvest Uprising (an armed uprising led by Mao Zedong in 1927 in Hunan- Jiangxi border region, which marked the Party's independent building of a revolutionary army); 秋收在望 The autumn harvest is at hand.; 秋水 autumn water — limpid eyes (of a woman); 秋水仙 {植} meadow saffron; autumn crocus; 秋天 autumn; [美] fall; 秋闱 [书] imperial examination held in autumn; 秋汛洪水 fall flood; 秋叶 antumn leaves; 秋雨 autumn rains; 秋征 collection of agricultural tax in kind after the autumn harvest; 秋种 autumn planting; 秋庄稼 autumn crops; 秋装 autumn clothing |