单词 | post |
释义 | post3/pə ʊst, AmE poʊst/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/] n (1)(=mail尤AmE) 1)信(邮)件 (letters, parcels, etc (to be) delivered; correspondence) [C, U]: Is there any~today? 今天有邮件吗?There's some~for you. 有你一些邮件。a big/lot of~很多信件;deal with/answer one's~处理/回复信件;2)邮政(制度),邮寄 (official system for transport and delivery of these) [U]: send money/a parcel/a book by~寄钱/包裹/书;send a present by parcel~以包裹邮寄礼物;be damaged in the~在邮寄过程中损坏;3)(一次)收集或投递 (any of the regular collections or deliveries of letters)[C]: catch/miss the 4 o'clock~赶上/错过了4点钟邮局收信的时间;Has the~come/arrived yet? 信来过了吗?The letter came in this morning's~. 这封信是今天早上送来的。Your parcel will go by the next~. 你的包裹将随下一邮班寄出。The last~is at 7:15 p.m. 最后一次邮班是晚7点15分。4)信筒;邮局 (post-box or post office) [C, the~]: take a letter/birthday card to the~把信/生日卡拿到邮局去寄;the P~(Office) 邮政局(部门); (2) 1)驿夫 (any of a number of men placed at stages along a route in order to ride to the next stage with letters) [C]; 2)(旧时的)驿站 ((formerly) any of a number of regular stopping places along a main road where travellers or messengers could rest, change horses, etc and where letters could be passed to a fresh rider) [C]; 3) (旧时的)邮车 ((formerly) cart, etc for carrying letters) [C]; →′postal adj 邮局(政)的;͵post-′haste adv 快(急)速的;′post-bag (AmE ′mail-bag) n 邮袋;一次收到的所有信件;′post-box (AmE ′mailbox) n 信箱(筒);′postcard n 明信片;′postcode (亦作 ′postal code, AmE ′zip code) n 邮政编码;′post-′free adj & adv 邮资免(已)付的(地);(价格中)邮资已包括在内的(地);′postman (AmE ′mailman) n 邮递员;′postmark n 邮戳;′post-paid adj & adv 邮资已付的(地);′post-town n (某一地区内)设有邮局的市镇; v (1) 1)将(信)投入邮筒或拿到邮局寄发 (put (a letter) into a post-box or take it to a post office) [T+n] (=AmE mail): ~a letter/parcel for sb 为某人发信/寄包裹;We must~off all our Christmas cards this week. 这星期我们必须把所有的圣诞卡寄出。2)寄(信,包裹等)给 (send (letters, parcels, etc) to sb) [D+n+n, D+n+prep] (=AmE mail):~sb a ticket/a book (~a ticket/a book to sb) 寄给某人一张票/一本书;They've~ed the letter to my old address. 他们把信寄到我的老地址去了。 (2) 1)(簿记)将……登录于分类账 ((in bookkeeping) write (an item) in a ledger) [T+n]:~export sales 将出口销售账额登录于分类账; 2)(簿记)从日记账过账于分类账 ((in bookkeeping) transfer (an item) from a day-book to a ledger) [T+n+adv(up)]:~up a ledger 过入分类账; (3)(旧时)乘驿马旅行 ((formerly) travel by stages, using relays of horses) [I+prep]:~from London to Leeds 乘驿马从伦敦到利兹; keep sb posted 不断向某人提供消息: Keep me~ed on his activities. 不断地把他活动的情况告诉我。 →′postage n 邮资 |
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