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单词 pot
pot/pɒt, AmE pɑ:t/ n; v [-tt-]

n (1) 1)(烹调用的陶或金属等制的)锅,罐,盆(round vessel made of earthenware metal etc used for cooking) [C]:~s and pans 坛坛罐罐;a chicken ready for the~已经收拾干净可以下锅烧的鸡;〖同〗container,vessel,pan; 2)(作某种用途的)瓷器 (any of various types of vessel used for a particular purpose) [C] (常用于合成词): a tea/flower~茶壶/花盆;a coffee-/jam-/chamber-/lobster-~咖啡壶/果酱罐/夜壶/捕龙虾用的篓;〖同〗container,vessel,bowl; 3)一锅(罐, 壶等)的容量 (as much as a pot holds) [C]: a~of coffee/tea/beans/soup/paint 一壶咖啡/一壶茶/一罐豆子/一锅汤/一桶油漆;They've eaten a whole~of jam. 他们吃了整整一罐果酱。

(2)大量,大笔钱(large amount (of money)) [C, 通常pl](infml): make/get~s of money 赚/得到大笔的钱;

(3)运动会的(银质)奖杯 ((silver) cup given as a prize in an athletic contest) [C](sl): all the~s sb has won 某人所赢得的全部奖杯;

(4) 1)一局牌戏的赌注总额 (total amount of the money risked on one card game) [U the~](尤AmE); 2)凑集的一笔钱(尤指用于购买食物者) (all the money pooled by a number of people for some common purpose esp for buying food) [U the~](尤AmE);

(5)大肚皮(big belly; pot-belly) [C](infml): He's getting a~. 他的肚皮越来越大。

(6)大麻叶 (marijuana) [U](sl);

(7)(台球戏中)将球打入袋中的一击 ((in billiards) stroke which sends the correct ball into one of the pockets) [C](BrE);

go to pot 垮掉;被毁坏 (infml): Her health has gone to~. 她的身体已经垮掉了。His examinations went to~in the second week. 第二周他的考试就不行了。

keep the pot boiling 1)使(游戏等)生动活泼地进行下去: Children are often told to keep the~boiling in games. 人们在孩子们作游戏时经常告诉他们把游戏玩下去。2)谋生,维持生活: The~has to be kept boiling by some means or other. 总得想些法子谋生。

take pot luck 有什么吃什么: He told me to come at 7 and take~luck. 他让我7点到,赶上什么就吃什么。

the pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(乌鸦笑话猪黑,五十步笑百步):Bill said John was cheating at a game but John replied that it was the~calling the kettle black. 比尔说约翰在玩游戏时作弊,约翰回答说他是乌鸦笑话猪黑。

→′pot-belly (亦作pot) n 大肚皮(的人);͵pot-′bellied adj (指人)大腹便便的;′pot-boiler n 仅为赚钱而写的书或作的画;′pot-bound adj (指植物)根生满一花盆的;′pot-herb n 调味用的香草;′pot-hole n 锅(壶)形穴;(路面上的)坑洼;′pot-holing n 坑穴探险;′pot-holer n 坑穴探险者;′pot-hunter n 为猎食或谋利而打猎者;仅为获奖而参加比赛者;′pot-roast n 炖熟的肉;′pot-shot (亦作 pot) n 乱射,无目标的射击;无目的地做事;

v (1)在花盆里栽种 (plant in a flowerpot) [T+n pass T+n+adv(up)]: a~ted azalea 一棵盆栽杜鹃;Those plants must be~ted in early spring. 那些植物必须在早春栽种到花盆里。~(up) chrysanthemum cuttings 将菊花的插条栽种在花盆里;

(2)使(婴幼儿)坐到便盆上便溺 (sit (a young child or a baby) on a chamber-pot) [T+n] (infml);

(3)将(台球)击入袋中 ((in billiards) hit (a ball) into a pocket) [T+n];

(4)向……射击(shoot at sth) [I+prep(at)]:~at a bird 朝一只鸟射击;

(5)胡乱开枪射杀(kill with a pot-shot) [T+n]:~dozens of rabbits 胡乱开枪射杀几十只兔子;

(6)把(烧好的肉,鱼等)放在罐里保藏 (preserve (cooked meat or fish) in a pot) [T+n pass]:~ted beef/ham/shrimps/fish 罐装牛肉/火腿/虾/鱼;

→′potting-shed n 培养供移栽用的盆栽植物的花房





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