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单词 post
post2/pə ʊst, AmE poʊst/ n;vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)工作,职位 (job; position of paid employment) [C]: a~in the new government 新政府中的一个职位;the~of general manager 总经理的职位;be in the same~for many years 多年来一直担任同一职务;hold an important~with the company 在公司里担任一个重要的职位;be appointed to a~被任命担任一个职务;get a better~得到一份更好的工作;have a~as cook/waitress 有一份厨师/女招待的工作;give sb a~in South America 给某人一个在南美的工作;apply for a~申请一份工作;The man asked to be relieved of his~. 那人要求准予辞职。〖同〗job,position;

(2)岗(哨)位 (position or place where a soldier is sent to be on duty) [C]: at one's~在岗位上;The policeman was on his~until midnight. 警察直到半夜才下岗。order sb not to leave his~命令某人不得离开岗位;When the fire-alarm sounds, each man rushes to his~. 当火灾警报响起来时,每个人都冲向自己的岗位。check~检查站;〖同〗station;

(3) 1)军队驻扎地(尤指边疆的堡垒),营地 (small distant fort camp etc occupied and defended by soldiers esp on a border) [C]: He returned to the~with a message for the general. 他回到驻地,给将军带来一个消息。2)营地的驻军 (soldiers stationed at a post) [C]: 〖同〗base,settlement;

(4)贸易站((尤指从前)位于不发达或人口稀少地区者) ((esp formerly) trading station esp one in a region that is underdeveloped or thinly populated) [C][=trading post];

vt (1)任命,派任 (appoint sb to a job or a responsibility) [T+n T+n+prep(to)]:~an officer to a unit/to the front/overseas 委任一名军官到一部队/前线/海外任职;~sb to the embassy in Moscow 委任某人到驻莫斯科使馆任职;I hope you will be~ed to my battalion. 希望派你到我营任职。

(2)布置岗哨 (place (soldiers etc) on duty in a special place) [T+n T+n+prep(at/on)]:~sentries (at the gate of the camp) (在军营门口)布置岗哨;~policemen all round the house 在房子周围布置警察;Has the guard been~ed? 卫兵布置好了吗?〖同〗station,place;

→′posting n 任命,委派;






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