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单词 collection
collection/kə′lekʃn/ n

(1)收取,集中((act or process of)collecting sth)[UC]:There are only two~s on Sunday from this post-box/this letter-box.邮递员周日只从这邮筒/信筒取两次信。miss the last~for today错过了今天最后一次取信时间;What time's the next~? 下一次取信是什么时候? There is no~of rubbish today.今天没人来运走垃圾。be responsible for refuse~负责收集垃圾;the~of taxes收税;

(2)收藏品(group of objects bought or kept together as a hobbyfor studyetc)[C]:a stamp/coin/record~邮票/硬币/唱片收藏品;a fine~of pictures/poems/short stories/folk songs绘画精选/优秀诗集/短篇小说集/民歌集;have a large~of pop records收藏有大量的流行歌曲唱片;

(3)募款(act of seeking and taking up money at a religious service or a meeting)[C]:The church~came(was taken(up)/was made)after the sermon/before the last hymn.布道后/最后一遍赞美诗前进行教堂募捐。the~in a church service 做礼拜时的募捐;a~for famine relief救济饥民的募捐;A~was made that raised £500 for the poor.进行了一次募捐,共为穷人筹款 500 英镑。〖同〗 collecting,gathering;

(4)募集的钱款(amount of money collected from people in this way)[C]:a large/small~大量/不多的募捐款;

(5)大堆(摞),大量(accumulation;heap or pile of things often unwanted and unplanned;group of people)[C]:There is a~of junk/old ruins/rubbish/old books in the attic.阁楼上有一大堆破烂儿/多年的废物/垃圾/旧书。a~of dust厚厚的灰尘;the~of grime in the motor 发动机里的污垢;An odd~of people attended the party.许多莫名其妙的人来参加聚会。〖同〗heap,pile,variety;group,gathering;

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