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单词 commit
commit/kə′mɪt/ vt [-tt;-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)干(坏/错事),犯罪(performdo sth illegalbador wrong)[T+n]:~murder /suicide/theft/robbery/perjury/a crime/a criminal offence/a discourtesy/an error/a blunder谋杀/自杀/偷窃/抢劫/做伪证/犯罪/犯罪/失礼/犯错/犯大错;〖同〗do,perform;

(2)交付,委托(give or transfer sb/sth to(a state or place) for safe-keepingtreatmentetc)[T+n+prep(to)]:~a patient to a mental hospital/a thief to prison/a murderer to the flames把病人送入精神病院/贼投入监狱/凶手处以火刑;~a letter to the fire/a body to the earth 把信付之一炬/尸体土葬;~a thought to writing/a story to paper/a rule to memory/a battalion to the operations将一想法记下来/一故事写下来/一规则记住/一营士兵投入战斗;~some papers to the care of a lawyer/all administrative functions to one person/oneself to the doctor/a child to his uncle把文件交予律师负责/所有的行政职责交给一个人/自己交付给大夫/小孩托付给他叔叔照看;〖同〗transfer,deliver,entrust;

(3)承诺,答应(make a definite agreement(that one will do sth))[T+nT+n+prep(to),C+n+to-inf]:be~ed (~oneself) to a course of action/to equal rights for women/to a plan/to a proposal/to one's religion承诺一举措/为妇女的平等权利斗争/执行一计划/实行一建议/信仰宗教;~oneself to spending more money on new roads/to sitting on two committees/to finishing a thesis in a month承诺花更多的钱筑路/担任两个委员会的委员/一个月内完成论文;~funds to an advertising campaign/money to improving the National Health Service/one's profits to building a new factory承诺把资金用于广告大战/钱用于改善国民医疗服务/赢利用于建一个新工厂;~oneself to support one's nephew/to go承诺抚养外甥/答应走;〖同〗bind;

(4)义无反顾地公开发表意见(give one's opinion openly so that it is difficult to change it)[T+n(oneself),T+n(oneself)+prep(on)]:I have~ed myself now and cannot draw back.我已经表示了我的意见,不能改口了。~oneself (on women's right/ on an issue/on a proposal)发表(对女权/一个问题/一个建议的)看法;

→com′mitment n 承诺;责任;com′mittee n;com′mission n





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