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单词 come
come/kʌm/ v came /keɪm/,come /kʌm/,-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)来(advance towards the speaker or writeror a place indicated)[II+prep(to)(from),I+advI+-ing]:C~to the dance/my house.来跳舞/到我家来。~into the room/out of the house/from abroad/down the stairs/across the Channel走进房间/走出屋子来/从国外来/走下楼梯来/从英吉利海峡那边来;C~here/nearer/home/back/in/out/down 过来/走近点/回家来/回来/进来/出来/下来。She came to see me/to say good-bye.她来看我/道别。C~and see me/look at it/have some tea.来看我/看这个/喝点茶。The boy came running/hur-rying. 那男孩跑过来/匆匆走来。(sunshine) come streaming through the window(阳光)洒进窗户;(wind)come flowing over the sea(风)从海面上刮来; (fog) come pouring in at every chink(雾)从每一条缝隙钻进来;〖同〗move towards;〖反〗go away,leave,go;
 (2)到达(reach a place where the speaker or writer is or a place indicated)[II+prep(to)]:The train/The guest/The letter/Help has~.火车/客人/信/援助已经到了。Nobody has~.还没有人来。(At) What time did/will he~? 他什么时候到的/到? 〖同〗arrive;〖反〗leave,depart;
 (3)到来(arrive as expected or in the course of time)[I]:His birthday/His turn/The day/The time/The rain/A storm/Christmas/Spring/Darkness came (will~).他的生日/他的时机/日子/时间/雨/暴风雨/圣诞节/春天/黑暗来临(将来临)。
 (4)去(某处)(move in order to go somewhere with sb)[II+prep(to)(with)]:Are you~ing/Will you~/Would you like to~to the concert with us (me)? 你和我们(我)一起去看电影/听音乐会/参加聚会吗?
 (5)分先后(exist in a particular position in space or time)[L+adjI+prep][不用prog]:My family~s first before my work/my hobbies.我的家庭比工作/业余爱好重要。My son came first in the examination.我的儿子考了第一。Three~s after two. 三在二后。Tuesday~s after Monday. 周二在周一之后。(date of birth)~after the name in the listing清单中(出生日期)在姓名之后;(‘M’)~before ‘N’ in the alphabet (M)在字母表中位于N之前;July~s between June and August. 7月在6月和8月之间。
 (6)发生(happen;occur)[I][不用prog]:No harm/A new development/Success will~.不会有伤害/将会有所发展/会成功的。His death (resignation) came as a shock/a surprise.他的死(辞职)来得令人震惊/惊讶。
 (7)来自于(happen as a result;derive)[I+prep]:Success~s from hard work /through honest work.成功来自于辛勤/诚实的劳动。(accident)~of her carelessness(事故)缘于她的粗心大意;(failure)~of his stubbornness (失败)缘于他太固执;
 (8)1)是……的后代(descend;issue from)[I+prep(from)]:~from a good/poor family是良家子弟/出身于贫穷家庭; 2)是……(地方)人(be a native or have been a resident of)[I+prep(from)]:~from London/the south是伦敦/南方人;Where does he~from? 他是哪里人?
 (9)供应,生产((of goodsproductsetc) be offered;available;produced)[I][不用prog]:(shoes)~in many shapes/three sizes/black and brown/all colours(鞋)有多种式样/三种尺寸/黑色和褐色的/各种各样颜色的;Tooth paste~s in a tube.牙膏装在管内。This product~s cheap.这种产品便宜。(milk)~from cows(牛奶)产自母牛;(radio)~from Japan(收音机)产自日本;〖同〗be made,be produced;
 (10)变得(成)(become;prove to be)[L+adjI+-ed]:(it)~easy(这)容易了;(things)~right(事情)顺利了;(plan)~clear(计划)明确了;(handle)~loose(把手)松了;(door)~open(门)开了;(dead things)~alive(死的东西)活了;The dream came true.梦想成真了。(shoe-laces)~undone(鞋带)开了;(knot)~untied(结)开了;(button)~unfastened(扣子)开了;(belt)~unbuckled(皮带)开了;(envelope)~unstuck(信封)开了;(package)~unwrapped(包裹)开了;It~s cheaper/dear if you buy things in bulk (small quantities).大(少)量购买会便宜/贵。The shoes came off.鞋子开了。〖同〗become;
 (11)开始,达到(某种程度)(begin;reach a point at which one realizesunderstandsbelievesetc sth)[I+to-inf]:~to love sb/to understand sb/to know sth/to realize sth/to see the problem in a new light/to believe that ……/to be in possession of sth爱上了某人/理解了某人/知道了某事/意识到某事/对这个问题有了新的见解/开始认为……/得到了某物;
 (12)达成(结果),进入……状态(arrive at a certain result or state) [I+prep(to)]: ~to a decision /a conclusion /a compromise /an agreement 作出决定/得出结论/进行妥协/达成协议;Her plan/efforts came to nothing.她的计划落空/努力白费了。He came to his wits' end.他不知所措。It has~to my attention/my notice that no work is done.我注意到了什么工作也没做。~to an end/to a sudden stop结束/突然停止;
 (13)碰巧发生(happen(by accident))[I+to-inf](用在how开头的句子中以询问原因):How did he~to marry the princess/to be so late/to be invited to the party/to be working with that set? 他是怎么娶到那位公主/这么晚/被邀请参加聚会/和那帮人工作到一块儿的?
 (14)及,到(reach;extend)[I+adv(up/down)+prep(to)]:Her dress/hair came (down) to her knees.她的裙子/头发齐膝。She/The water came (up) to my neck.她到我脖子这么高/水深及颈。The flood came through to my garden.洪水淹到了我的花园。〖同〗reach,extend;
 (15)出现(move into view;appear)[I]:The light/sun came and went.光时明时暗/太阳时隐时现。Suddenly the castle came into view.突然城堡出现了。
 (16)装成(出)(play the part or role of;behave like)[L+nL+n+prep(with)](infml):She started to~the innocent (girl) with him.她开始对他装出无辜的样子。Don't~the bully with us!不要对我们逞凶!
 come again?你说什么?(未听清或难于置信时用):C~again? I didn't hear you.你说什么? 我没听见。
 come to oneself恢复知觉,清醒过来:When he came to himself after the operation,he didn't know where he was. 他手术后苏醒过来不知道自己是在什么地方。
 How come是怎么回事? How~you were late again/you got that job/you can't speak a word of German? 你怎么又迟到了/得到的那个工作/一句德语也不会说?
 come what may不管怎样,如何如何:C~what may,we must remain cheerful.无论发生什么事,我们都应该一如既往地高高兴兴。We'll support you,~what may.无论如何我们都将支持你。
 not come to much无作为(结果):He'll never~to much;he lacks the creative fire for an artist.他不会有什么作为的,他缺少艺术家所必需的创作热情。That would never~to much.那绝不会有什么结果。
 come about (v adv)1)发生(vi):How did that/all this/the accident/the change~about? 那/这一切/事故/变化是怎么发生的? 2)(帆船)改变方向(vi):The boat came about and passed very close to us.那船拐过来紧挨我们驶了过去。
 come across/(up)on (v prep)偶尔遇见(发现)(vt,尤pass):~across/up(on)an old friend in the street/a diary in the drawer在街上偶尔遇到一个老朋友/在抽屉里意外发现一本日记;
 come along (v adv)1)进展(行)(vi)(=come on):How's your work~ing along/on (How are you~ing along/on with your work)? 你的工作进展如何? He was ~ing along well after the operation.他手术后恢复得很好。2)发生,出现(vi):take the chance/the opportunity that~s along抓住到来的机会/机遇;3)加油,快(vi)(=come on):C~along/on,or we'll be late.快点,要不我们就迟到了。
 come at (v prep) 1)袭击,进攻(vt):~at sb with a knife/a meat axe/a rolling-pin举着刀子/劈肉斧/擀面杖向某人袭来; 2)发现(vt):~at the truth/the true facts发现真相/真情;
 come back(v adv) 1)再度流行(vi):Short skirts/Long dresses are~ing back this year.今年短裙/长裙又流行起来。2)恢复,重新采用(vi):They wouldn't like to see corporal punishment/death penalty~back.他们不愿意看到体罚/死刑又恢复起来。
 come back at (v adv prep)反驳,回击(vt):~back at sb with another criticism/an angry remark/a sharp question 反击批评某人/生气地顶了某人一句/反问某人一个尖锐的问题;
 come back to(v adv prep)想(记,忆)起(vt):Her name/German came back to him soon.他很快想起了她的名字/把德语捡了起来。
 come by (v adv) 1)(通过努力)得到(vt):Jobs are difficult to~by.工作难找。~by some money honestly 正当地赚钱; 2)偶尔得到(vt):How did you~by that cut on your cheek/that scratch in your arm/that black eye? 你怎么搞的脸上划破了/胳膊被抓破了/弄个乌眼青?
 come down (v adv) 1)(价格等)下降(跌)(vi):The price of grain has~down. (Grain has~down in price.) 粮价下跌了。2)失去身份(地位,尊严)(vi):He came down in the world.他失去了社会地位。He came down in our view/in her opinion.我们/她对他的看法变差了。
 come down to (v adv prep)流传下来(vt):(song/story/customs)~down to sb from ancient times/one's forefathers(歌曲/故事/习俗)从古代/祖先流传下来到某人;
 come down with(v adv prep)病倒(vt):~down with the mumps/flu/a cold得了痄腮/流感/感冒;
 come in (v adv) 1)流行(vi):When did the miniskirt/long hair first~in? 超短裙/长头发是什么时候流行起来的? 2)上市,到货(vi):Strawberries won't~in until next month.草莓要到下个月才能上市。3)当选(vi):The government/party/socialist came in at the last election.这届政府/这个党/社会主义者是上届选举时当选执政的。
 come in for(v adv prep)遭到,招致(vt):(person/action/work/policy/plan)~in for much criticism(blame)(人/行动/工作/政策/计划)遭到激烈批评(责备);
 come in on (v adv prep)参加(vt):~in on a deal/a plan/a scheme参与一笔买卖/一项计划/一个谋划;
 come into (v prep) 1)开始,进入(vt):~into fashion/existence/being/consideration/force/effect/action/power/prominence/view/sight/blossom/flower/leaf/bud 开始流行/存在/存在/考虑/生效/生效/行动/掌权/出名/可见/出现/开花/开花/长叶/发芽; 2)继承(vt):~into a million pounds/a fortune/an estate继承了100万英镑/一笔财产/一个庄园;
 come off (v adv/prep) 1)成功,奏效(vi):The plan/scheme/attempt/experiment didn't~off.计划/方案/企图/实验没有成功。The film/play doesn't quite~off.那部片子/出戏不怎么成功。The party came off successfully.聚会很成功。2)发生,举行(vi):The wedding/party/concert/picnic came off at last (on schedule).婚礼/聚会/音乐会/野餐终于(按计划)举行了。3)脱落(vi & vt):A button came off (my coat). 一颗扣子(从我大衣上)掉下来了。
 come on (v adv) 1)请,来吧,快点(vi)(=come along):C~on/along,we'll be late/get the things away. 快点,我们要迟到了/把这些东西拿走。2)开始,来临 (vi):A storm/A heavy rain/Winter/Darkness/Night came on.一场暴风雨/一场大雨/冬天/黑暗/夜晚来临。It came on to snow/to rain.下起雪/雨来了。3)出场,上演(vi):The next actor/A new play/A good film is~ing on.下一个演员/一出新戏/一部好片子就要出场(上演)了。4)进步,改进(vi)(=come along):(business/plan/work)be~ing on well(nicely/splendidly)(生意/计划/工作)进展很好;(baby) be~ing on well (nicely/splendidly)(婴儿)发育很好;
 come out(v adv)1)出版,刊行(vi):When does her new novel/the new edition of Ham-let/the newspaper/the magazine~out? 她的新小说/新版《哈姆雷特》/报纸/杂志什么时候出版? 2)传出,真相大白(vi):The secret/truth/news/full story came out in the end.秘密/实情/消息/整个事情终于真相大白了。It came out that...原来…… 3)显出(vi):The pictures didn't~out.相片洗不出来。Everybody came out well in the photographs.相片上人人都照得很好。4)长出(vi):The buds/roses are~ing out.在长嫩芽/玫瑰花在开。5)结果(局)是:The story/movie/game came out as I had predict-ed. 故事/电影/比赛的结局如我所预言的一样。The answer came out right/wrong.答案算对/错了。
 come over (v prep)困扰(vt):What has~over him? 是什么困扰住了他? Great longing/tenderness came over me.我突然感到无比渴望/温情。A feeling of shame/pity/faintness/sickness came over me.我突然感到羞愧/怜悯/晕眩/恶心。A sudden fit of anger/dizziness came over me.我突然感到一阵怒火/一阵眩晕。
 come (a)round (v adv) 1)过来,来访(指在同一城镇内)(vi)(=come over):C~(a)round/over (to my flat/here) and see us.过来(到我单元/这里来)看看我们。2)苏醒,复苏(vi)(=come to):The unconscious man slowly began to~round.那失去知觉的人慢慢开始苏醒。
 come to(v adv/prep)1)苏醒,复苏(vi):When he came to,he found himself in a hospital.他苏醒过来时发现自己在医院里。2)共计,等于(vt):The bills/The food/His earnings came to $30,000 a year.账单/食品/他的收入共计三万美元一年。3)达到(vt):Nobody thought things would~to this.谁也没想到事情会糟成这样。4)突然想到(起)(vt):The thought/idea came to me suddenly.我突然有了这个想法/主意。
 come through (v adv/prep)经历,脱险(vi & vt):He was lucky to~through (the operation/the war). 他幸运地活过来了(过了手术关/未死于战争)。
 come up (v adv)1)发生,出现(vi):I expect something to~up soon.我盼着有什么事快发生。2)走到跟前(vi):Then a bus came up.后来一辆公共汽车开到跟前。
 come up against (v adv prep)遭(遇)到(vt,无pass):You might~up against a lot of opposition.你也许会遇到许多反对意见。
 come up to (v adv prep)达到,比得上(vt):The concert(result/work)didn't~up to expectation/his anticipation/required standard.音乐会(结果/工作)没有达到所期望的效果/他预期的样子/要求的水平。
 come up with (v adv prep)想出(vt,无pass):~up with a good answer/an idea/a new method/a suggestion想出一好答案/主意/新办法/建议;
 【辨异】1)come becomegetgo1turn的区别见BECOME;2)come arrive 的区别见ARRIVE。





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