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单词 combination
combination/͵kɒmbɪ′neɪ ʃn, AmE ͵kɑ:m-′-/ n

(1)联(结,混)合(act or process of combining;state of being combined)[U]:work/be used in~with sb/sth和……一起工作/使用;have the right~of looks and talent/wit and analysis外貌与天才/睿智与分析的完美结合;The~of yellow and blue forms green.黄色和蓝色混合形成绿色。work on the~of two elements研究两种元素的结合;〖同〗combining,mixing,blending;〖反〗division,separation;

(2)联(结,混)合体(物)(number of people or things joined or mixed together;mixture)[C]:use a~of some techniques综合使用几种技术;a~of old and new新与旧的结合物;a~of parties/states多个党/州的联合体;a~of flavours/factors混合味/多种因素的综合;C~s of certain drugs with alcohol can lead to fatal result.某些药和酒精的混合物会致人丧命。Green is a~of yellow and blue.绿色是黄色和蓝色的混合物。〖同〗association,mixture;

(3)化合物(sth that results from combining 2 or more thingsesp chemicals)[C]:An alloy is a~of metals. 合金是多种金属的化合物。

(4)(开号码锁的)号码组合(sequence of special numbers or letters to open a combination lock)[C]:He couldn't open the safe as he had forgotten the~.他打不开保险箱,因为忘了那组号码。the~for a safe开保险箱的组合号码;~lock号码锁;

(5)带挎斗的摩托车(motor-bike with a side-car)[C]:a motorcycle~一辆带挎斗的摩托车;

←com′bine v;

【辨异】combination compound都表示个体的组合。combination 表示紧密但又很容易分解的组合;而compound(混合物;化合物)则表示个体几乎完全融为一有机的整体。





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