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单词 幸灾乐祸

幸灾乐祸xìng zāi lè huò

derive pleasure from other’s difficulties; exult over sb’s discomfort; feel glad when others meet with disaster; gloat (/crow)over sb’s bad luck (/setbacks); laugh at (/delightin/rejoice in/take pleasure in/glory in) the misfortunes of others; mock at others’ woes; revel in sb’s discomfiture
❍ 它的性格就和别的猛兽不同,凡捕食雀、鼠,总不肯一口咬死,定要尽情玩弄,放走,又捉住,又放走,直待自己玩厌了,这才吃下去,颇与人们的~,慢慢地折磨弱者的坏脾气相同。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·狗猫鼠》5)First,a cat is by nature different from other wild creatures in that whenever it catches a sparrow or mouse instead of killing its victim outright it insists on playing with it,letting it go,catching it again,then letting it go again until tiring of this game it finally eats it.This is very like the bad human propensity for delighting in the misfortunes of others and spinning out their torment.
❍ 辛凤鸣~的在一旁小声地敲打贾正的鼓边。(冯志《敌后武工队》373) …said Xin softly,exulting over Jia’s discomfort.
❍ 他放慢了脚步,停留在东客厅里,~地等待着将要发生的什么事。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—486) He had paused in his hurried retreat upon realizing this and remained in the eastern drawing-room,waiting gloatingly to witness whatever storm might burst.
❍ 摩托中队的中队长,一个留着小胡子的上尉立正站在车傍,带着几分惊惶、几分~的心情,望着狼狈不堪的大队长。(杨佩瑾《剑》228) The captain in command of the motor-cycle company was standing at attention by the motor-cycle,looking at the utterly disconcerted battalion commander.Though not entirely at ease,he was gloating over his superior’s bad luck.
❍ 他觉得满屋到处是~的眼睛对他嘲笑。(茅盾《子夜》560) It seemed to him that the housewas full of leering eyes glorying in his misfortune.
❍ 这消息,可又使我有点畅快了,虽然明知道~,不象一个绅士,但本来不是绅士的,也没有法子来装潢。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—30) This news rather pleased me again. I know,of course,that no gentleman laughs at the misfortunes of others. But since I am not a gentleman to begin with,it is no use my trying to pose as one.
❍ 盛佳秀快乐地笑了。这是一种从嫉妒本能产生出来的,对于情敌的可笑行为的~的情绪。她的一向沉郁的心情,一扫而光了。(周立波《山乡巨变》290) Sheng Jiaxiu gave a happy laugh,born of instinctive jealousy and a feeling ofmalicious joy at the ridiculous behaviour of her rival in love; her usual reserve was submerged in a flood of emotion.
❍ 原来我以为臭三岛只不过是个坏女人,好招风惹草,~,挑拔是非,嚼烂舌根; …… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》 123) I had always known that she was a coquette and a bad woman who loved to spread rumours and ferment trouble and mock at others’ woes./“老九!——”冯云卿发急地叫起来了。到底他听出话头不对而且姨太太很有~之意,……(茅盾《子夜》238)“Jiu! -” cried Feng Yunqing goaded beyond endurance. She sounded to him as if she was revelling in his discomfiture,…/因此,他对某些显要人物因为大局的变化和前线的崩溃而产生的沮丧、绝望和失宠,暗自怀着一种~的心情。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》511) That was why the despair and pessimism,displayed by certain highly-placed persons over the collapsing front lines and the general disintegration,evoked no more than sardonic amusement in Xu Pengfei.


take pleasure in(gloat over)others’misfortune; take pleasure in the calamity of another;make merry over others’mishap; show malicious joy;revel in sb’s discomfiture

幸灾乐祸xìnɡ zāi lè huò

看见别人遭受不幸反而高兴。lick one’s chops, take pleasure in other’s misfortune, feel glad when others meet with disaster





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