释义 |
幸[Ⅰ ❷倖]xìnɡⅠ ❶ (幸福; 幸运) good fortune: ~ 甚 very fortunate indeed; 有 ~ be lucky; have good fortune ❷ [书] (宠幸) favour: 得 ~ gain favour ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 灵Xing Ling Ⅱ ❶ (认为幸福而高兴) rejoice: 庆 ~ congratulate oneself; rejoice; 欣 ~ be glad and thankful ❷ [书] (望; 希望) I hope; I trust: ~ 勿推却。 I hope that you will not refuse.; Pray do not refuse. ❸ (旧时指帝王到达某地) (of a monarch) come; arrive: 巡 ~ imperial tour of inspection Ⅲ (侥幸) fortunately; luckily: ~ 未成灾。 Fortun ̄ ately it didn't cause a disaster. ◆幸臣 [旧] a favourite at court; 幸存 survive; 幸而 luckily; fortunately; 幸福 happiness; well-being; happy; felicity; 幸好 fortunately; luckily; just as well; 幸亏 fortunately; luckily; 幸免 escape by sheer luck; have a narrow escape; 幸免一死 escaped death by sheer good luck; 幸免于难 have a narrow [close] shave [squeak]; escape by [with] the skin of one's teeth; escape death by a hair's breadth; escape death by sheer luck; luckily escape a disaster; 幸甚 [书] very hopeful and worth rejoicing; 幸事 good fortune; blessing; 幸勿见怪 Kindly forgive me [my lack of respect].; I hope that you will not be offended.; 幸勿见外 Don't look upon [treat] me as a stranger, please!; 幸喜 fortunately; luckily; 幸于始者怠于终, 善其辞者嗜其利 One who is zealous at the start may grow lax before the finish; fine speech may hide a hankering after profit.; 幸运 good fortune; good luck; jam on it; fortunate; lucky; felicity; 幸运儿 fortune's favourite; lucky fellow; lucky dog; 幸灾乐祸 take pleasure in other people's misfortune; be glad when other people are in difficulties; chuckle at sb.'s discomfiture; delight in the misfortunes of others; derive pleasure from others' misfortune; exult in [over; at] the misfortune of others; gloat over other's misfortune; gloat over sb.'s mistakes [disaster; difficulties]; laugh at others' troubles; lick one's chops [chaps]; make game of sb.'s calamities; make merry over others' mishap; mock at others' woes; rejoice in the calamity [misfortunes] of others; revel in sb.'s discomfiture; take pleasure in others' calamity |