scenen. stage. playing place,theatre舞台,表演场子,剧场。 △Mid.3.2.15: “Forsook his scene,and enteredin a brake.”他离开舞台,进入一个矮树丛。 scene individable: play in which the unity of place isobserved and so there is no change of scene: unclassi-fiable drama地点统一(因而不必分场)的戏;(又解)无法分类的戏。 △Ham.2.2.427 (399): “scene individable orpoem unlimited;”地点统一、不分场次的戏,或者一切规律都不遵守的戏。 scene[si:n]n. 舞台,一场(戏),(一段)情节,(一个)镜头,场面(特写),现场,情景,景色,景象(pl.)道具,布景,场景 ◇at the scene capture现场查获 at the scene investigation现场勘验 behind the scene在幕后 change the scenes换布景 come on the scene到场 on the scene在场 on the scene of the crime在罪犯现场 quit the scene退场 set the scene情况描述shift the scene改变环境 ‖ background scene背景 behind-the-scenes activities幕后活动 behind-the-scenes deal幕后交易 borrowed scenery借景 coast scenery海岸风景 dim scene暗景 drop scene可升降的布景幕布 front scene前景 perspective scenery透视景 scene changing换布景 scene commander现场指挥官 scene illumination景物照度 scene painter舞台美术家,布景画师,装饰画家 scene painting布景制作 scene paint布景漆 scene plot戏剧说明书 scene stealer抢镜头演员 scene tester曝光试验器 the scene of the accident事故现场 scenes in a mountain district山区风光 scene-shifter n.换景师,换置布景的人 scene-stealer n.过分卖弄自己的配角演员 scenic adj. 风景如画的,舞台的,布景的,戏剧性的 n.风景照片,风景影片 scenic film风光片 scenic outlook观景点 scenic railway过山车 scenic route风景路线 scenic spots and historical sites名胜古迹 scenic spots名胜区 scenic spot名胜 scenic tourist town风景旅游城市 scenical adj.景色的,风景的 scenedock n.舞台旁存放布景之处 sceneman n.换布景者 scene-painter布景画家 scenery n.风景(画),舞台布景,背景,景色 scenery of landscape山水风景 scenery plot道具顺序表 |