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单词 并驾齐驱

并驾齐驱bìng jià qí qū

advance at an equal pace with; be as important as sb; be on a par with; hold a candle to; keep abreast with (/of); keep (/hold)pace with; keep the run of; keep up with; prick near;progress shoulder to shoulder (/side by side); rank equally in power; ride (/advance) two abreast; run neck and neck (/horse and horse)
❍ 他很怕我们混成协扩大为镇,黎统领当上统制,就会同他~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—140)This Commander Chang is afraid that our Commander Li will become as important as he is,should the Mixed Brigade ever be promoted to a division,…/因此,绝句的第五首说到自己要努力,要做到与屈原、宋玉~,不要反而落在梁陈文人们的后面去了。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》 179) In the fifth poem Du Fu insists that he himself must work harder in order to attain the height of Qu Yuan and Song Yu and not lag behind the literati of the Liang and Chen Dynasties.
❍ 他已经爬上世界的艺坛,可以和古今中外的世界名画,~了。(高云览《小城春秋》89) They have already climbed to take their place among the great paintings of all time!

并驾齐驱bìnɡ jià qí qū

比喻齐头并进,不分高低。run neck and neck, ride two abreast, keep pace with, keep abreast with, keep up with

并驾齐驱bìnɡ jià qí qū

比喻齐头并进,不分高低。run neck and neck, ride two abreast, keep pace with, keep abreast with, keep up with





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