释义 |
佩pèiⅠ ❶ (佩带) wear (at the waist, etc.): ~ 刀 wear a sword; 腰 ~ 手枪 carry a pistol in one's belt; 腰 ~ 双剑 carry two swords at [in] the girdle ❷ (佩服) admire: 我真钦 ~ 他的工作能力。 I really admire his capacity for work. 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可 ~。 Doctor Bethune's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable. ❸[书] (承受; 担负) bear; support; shoulder ❹[书] (铭记; 铭感) bear firmly in mind; always remember; remember with gratitude ❺[书] (遵循) follow; abide by; accord with; adhere to ❻[书] (环绕; 围绕) surround; encircle; go round Ⅱ (古时系在衣带上的装饰品) an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times: 玉 ~ jade pendant ◆佩带 wear; bear; carry; 佩服 admire; have admiration [respect] for; hand it to sb.; have a high opinion of (sb.); 佩剑 walking rapier; walking sword |