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单词 collar
collar/′kɒlə(r), AmE ′kɑ:-/ nvt [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)衣领(part of a shirtdresscoatjacketetc that can lie flat or be turned up round the neck)[C]:The coat has a fur~.这件外衣有毛皮领子。The coat/shirt~is too tight.外衣/衬衣领子太紧。turn one's~up把衣领立起来;seize/grab sb by the~抓/揪住某人的衣领;What size (of)~does she take? 她的领子尺码多大? one's~size某人的领子尺码;wear a surgical~to support one's neck 戴医用颈圈以支撑脖子;white/blue~workers白领(脑力劳动)/蓝领(体力劳动)工作者;

(2)动物项圈(leathermetal or plastic band put round an animal's(esp a dog's)neck)[C]:The dog's name is on its~.狗的名字在项圈上写着。

(3)马轭(round leather object put round a horse's neck and over its shoulders to help it pull a vehicle or other objects)[C]:a horse~马轭;My horse didn't move until its~was comfortable.皮轭系舒服了,我的马才抬步走。

(4)(机器上的)环行物(any one of various ring-like machine parts)[C];

→′collar-bone n 锁骨;′collar-stud n 扣活领子的扣子;

vt(1)抓住衣领,缠住(catch and hold (as if) by the collar;capture)[T+n]:The policeman~ed the thief as he was trying to escape.小偷企图逃跑时警察抓住了他的领子。The reporters~ed him for an hour.记者们缠住他有一个小时。~the entire market with one's new product用自己的新产品占领整个市场;

(2)私自拿走(take sth without permission)[T+n](infml):Who's~ed my book?谁把我的书拿走了? Somebody~ed his suitcase while he wasn't looking.他没留神,手提箱让人提走了。





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