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单词 column
column/′kɒləm, AmE ′kɑ:l-/ n

(1)(圆)柱(tall stone or wooden pillar used in a building as a support or a decorationor standing alone as a monument)[C]:The dome/temple was supported by white marble~s.圆屋顶/神殿用白色大理石柱支撑着。the carved~s in the temple庙宇里的雕花廊柱;The road was carried across the river on a number of large~s.这条路的跨河桥由许多柱子支撑着。Nelson's C~纳尔逊纪念柱;〖同〗pillar,post,support;

(2)柱状物(anything resembles a pillar in shape or use)[C]:a~of smoke/mercury烟柱/水银柱;the spinal~脊椎;

(3)印刷品中的竖栏(one of two or more vertical sections of a page of print)[C](缩写col):a newspaper~报纸上的栏目;the advertising(or advertisement)/society~广告栏/社会专栏;The dictionary has two~s.这词典(每页)排为两栏。Each page of the dictionary/the newspaper/the accounts ledger has two(many/a few)~s.这字典/报纸/账簿的每一页都有两栏(许多栏目/几栏)。〖同〗 row,line;

(4)(专)栏(article that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine written by a particular person)[C]:the fashion/motoring/financial/correspondence~时装/汽车驾驶/金融/通讯专栏;write a daily~about sport写每日运动专栏文章;Max Forsyth's~马克斯·福赛斯专栏;sb's~on politics某人的政论专栏;

(5)纵队(formation as of soldiersvehiclestanksshipsanimalsetc in which they follow one behind the other)[C]:A~of soldiers marched down the road.一纵队士兵朝路那头开去。a~of infantry/trucks 一队步兵/一列卡车;〖同〗row,line,queue;

(6)纵列数字(list of numbers arranged one under the other)[C]:add up a long~of figures把一长列数字加起来;

→′columnist n 专栏作家;

【辨异】 column pillar 都是“柱子”,区别在于pillar是一般用语,统指一切直立的起支撑作用的柱子;column则专指那种分柱基、柱身和柱头的圆柱。





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