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单词 pour
pour/pɔ:(r)/ v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

(1) 1)(指液体或液体样流动的物质)倾泻,不断流出 (cause (a liquid or substance that flows like liquid)flow esp downward steadily and rapidly) [I+prep I+adv]: (blood)~from the wound (血)从伤口流出;(smoke)~from the window (烟)从窗口冒出;(sweat/perspiration/tears)~down his face (汗珠/汗珠/泪珠)不断从他脸上流下;The water~ed over the edge. 水从边上漫出来。Water~ed down the wall from the broken pipe. 水从破裂的管子中顺墙流下。The ceiling collapsed and rubble~ed into the room. 天花板塌下来,碎石瓦砾滚滚落入屋内。(curses)~from sb's lips 某人不断地说着(骂人的话);〖同〗stream, issue, flow, drip; drain; 2)倒,泼,灌 (液体或液体样流动的物质) (cause (a liquid or substance that flows like liquid to) flow steadily and rapidly) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv(away/out/in)]: Although she~ed it very carefully, she spilt some of the coffee. 尽管她小心翼翼地倒咖啡,但还是弄洒了一些。~the milk into a jug/champagne into a glass 将牛奶倒在罐子里/香槟倒进杯子里;The cast iron was melted and~ed into sand moulds. 生铁熔化后被倒入砂型内。~away the dirty water 将脏水泼掉;~out the water left in the bucket/some salt 将桶里剩下的水泼掉/倒点盐出来;(chimney)~out black smoke (烟囱)冒出滚滚黑烟;~oil on the flames 火上浇油;~oil on troubled waters 平息风波;调停争端;3)斟(饮料) (serve (a drink or drinks) by letting liquid flow from a larger container into a glass cup etc) [I I+prep I+adv T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv D+n+n D+n+prep(for)]: This teapot doesn't~well. 这把茶壶的水不好倒。Shall I~(out) (the tea) or will you? 是我来倒(茶)还是你来倒?~two cups of coffee/tea 倒两杯咖啡/茶;~coffee into sb's cup 为某人倒咖啡;~sb some tea/a glass of wine 为某人倒点茶/一杯酒;~a glass of beer for sb 为某人倒一杯啤酒;

(2)(雨)倾盆而下 (rain heavily) [I I+prep(down), I+adv(down)]: It's~ing (down). 正下着倾盆大雨。It~ed for 30 days and nights. 连下了30天的倾盆大雨。watch the rain~ing down the windows 看着瓢泼大雨顺着窗户流下来;a~ing wet day (infml) 一个下着瓢泼大雨的日子;spoil one's new shoes in the~ing rain 新鞋在瓢泼大雨中给糟蹋了;

(3)(使)涌进(出) ((cause people or things to) rush together in large numbers) [I+prep I+adv T+n+prep T+n+adv]: (workers/fans)~out of the factories at 5 o'clock/stadium cheering wildly 工人们5点钟涌出工厂/球迷们狂呼着涌出体育场;(commuters)~into the station (持月票乘车上下班的人)涌进车站;(letters of complaint)~into the head office (抱怨的信件)如潮水般地涌进总公司;(shops/offices)~millions of people into the street at this time of day 每天这个时间有数百万人(从商店/办公室)涌上街道;

pour scorn on sb/sth 讥笑,轻蔑: She~ed scorn on his proposal. 她对他的建议嗤之以鼻。

pour out (v adv) 诉说,倾诉(vt): Weeping, she~ed out her troubles to her closest friend. 她一边抽泣一边向最要好的朋友诉说自己的烦恼。





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