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单词 mark
mark/mɑ:k, AmE mɑ:rk/ n & vt

n (1)污点,痕迹(stainspot that spoils the appearance of sth)[C]:ink/red pencil/grease~s on the floor地板上的墨水迹/红铅笔痕迹/油渍;There are dirty~s on her trousers.她的裤子上有几处污点。That spilt coffee has left a~on the carpet.溅出的咖啡把地毯弄脏了。〖同〗spot,stain;
 (2)(人或动物身上)痣(标记,斑点)(spot on a personanimal by which he or it can be recognized)[C]:Did the attacker have any distinguishing~s? Say,any scar? 袭击你的人有无明显特征? 比方说,有没有伤疤?My little brother has a birth~on his left leg. 我弟弟左腿上有一块胎记。 The dog has a white~on its nose. 这条狗的鼻子有白色斑点。This horse has a black~on the head.此马的前额有黑色斑点。〖同〗spot;
 (3)标记,(符)记号(printed or written sign or symboletc for giving information)[C]:a question~问号;an exclamation/accent~感叹号/重音符号;quotation/punctuation~s 引号/标点符号;put a~on the map在地图上打个记号;make a~beside the name在姓名旁做个记号;write a~in the margin在书页边画上记号;What do those~s in the middle of the road mean? 路中央的那些符号是什么意思?〖同〗sign,symbol;
 (4)标签,商标,印记(signthat show where a particular thing issuch as a brandlabelsealetc)[C]:a price/wool/water~价码/羊毛标志/水印;our company's~of quality我们公司质量标志;laundry~s 洗衣房标记;This vase bears the~of a famous potter.花瓶上刻有著名陶工的标志。〖同〗stamp,label,brand;
 (5)迹象,征兆(indication of some quality of sb's activitiesfeelingsetc)[C]:~s of suffering/respect 痛苦的/敬意的表征;Carefulness in the use of words is a~of an accurate mind.精心措辞是严谨的特征。Taking responsibility for your own finances is a~of maturity.自己理财是成熟的特征。He bought her flowers as a~of his love.他送花给她,表示自己的爱意。〖同〗indication,evidence,proof;
 (6)画押(cross or other sign made in place of a signature by sb who is unable to write):the~of the chieftain 酋长的画押;He could not sign his name,so he made his~instead.他不会签字,于是就画了押。
 (7)分(点)数(letter or figure used in schoolsetc to show how well one has performed;grade)[C]:get good/full/bad/passing~s in all subjects各科都得高/满/低/及格分;have a~of B in English 英语成绩为B;Who got the best/highest~s of this year/for (in) mathematics? 今年谁的成绩最好/谁的数学分数最高? A~of 95 is exerllent.95分为优秀。I got 90~s in biology exam/for biology.生物考试,我得90分。〖同〗grade;
 (8)(机器、车辆等的)型,(式)(name of a particular type of a machineweaponvehicleetc)[C](与数字连用)(缩写MK,常cap):a M~III tank 3型坦克;a M~4 gun 4式枪;a M~1 rifle 1型步枪;The automobile is M~X model.这辆汽车是10型。M~s II and III sold far more than M~I model. 2型和3型远比1型卖得多。Have you seen new M~10? 你见过新的10型吗? a new~一种新型号;
 (9)目标;靶子(sth that is aimed(at);target)[C](fml):hit/miss the~击中/没中目标;(做成/没做成某事;)The arrow found(reached)its~.箭中靶子。Your guess is beside the~.你猜错了。〖同〗target,goal,point;
 (10)起跑(出发)线(starting line of a race)[C]:“On your~s! Get set! Go!”“各就各位!预备!跑!”be slow off the~起跑慢;Got off the~very quickly.起跑非常快。
 be below/up to the mark 不合/符合标准:Your work is below the~. 你的工作不合格。This coat is not up to the~.这件上衣不合格。
 leave/make one's mark (on sb/sth)留下影响(印象):The earthquake will leave its~on these people's lives.这次地震将对当地人民的生活产生深刻影响。
 make one's mark出名:The girl made her~as an actress. 这位姑娘成了名演员。Shakespeare made his~as a playwright. 莎士比亚成了出名的剧作家。
 wide of the mark不切题:His assessment of the situation might be rather wide of the~.他对形势的判断,很可能大错特错。
 vt (1)留下痕迹;做标记(make a mark or a written symbol on sth(so that it can be recognized))[T+nT+n+prep(with/on)]:His greasy fingers~ed the cover of the book. 他油污的手指弄脏了书的封皮。That tomato sauce~ed the tablecloth. 那些番茄汁污染了台布。The disease~ed her face for life. 这种疾病在她脸上留下终生痕迹。He~ed the floor with his boots.他脚上的靴子把地板踩脏了。Please~the word with an asterisk/your choice with an X.请在这个字前加星号/在选项旁填X符号。Please~your name on your clothes.请在你的衣服上标上名字。See that everything is~ed with your initials.注意每一样东西都要标上自己姓名的首字母。〖同〗spot;〖反〗erase,remove;
 (2)评(打)分(give points to a piece of work)[T+n]:Will you~my test/her paper/his work before the end of the term? 期末前,您会评出我的试卷/她的论文/他的作业成绩吗? I have ten essays/thirty exam papers to~tonight.我晚上得看出10篇文章/判出30份卷子。He~ed her essay 9(out of 10).他给她的作文打了9分(满分10)。〖同〗grade,correct,judge,rate;
 (3)表(指)明(indicate or reveal(sth))[T+n]: This cross~s the spot where the treasure was buried. 这个十字标志着埋财宝的地点。The invention of the wheel~s the beginning of a new era.轮子的发明标志着新纪元的开始。a smile~ing happiness幸福的微笑;signs that~the end of summer夏天结束的迹象;What are the qualities that~a good teacher?一位称职教师的特征是什么?〖同〗indicate,reveal,denote,stand for,suggest;〖反〗hide,conceal,mask,cover,disguise;
 (4)标明(示);登记(show by a mark or marks)[C+n+adj]:~a sentence right/wrong判句子对/错;The monitor~s the students present,absent,or late every morning.每天早晨班长登记学生的出勤、缺勤和迟到的情况。Three workers were~ed late.记下三名工人迟到。
 (5)显示……特征(性)(distinguish;characterize)[T+nC+n+prep(as)]:scientific discoveries that~ed the 19th century代表19世纪特征的那些科学发现;palm trees that~ed the hotel 作为这家旅馆标志的那些棕榈树;the exuberance that~ed her writings 体现她的作品特征的那些热情洋溢的语言;High ideals~the work. 这工作体现着崇高的理想。These signs~ed him as a bachelor eager to wed.这些迹象说明他是个急于娶亲的单身汉。
 (6)盯住(对方队员)(keep close to(an opponent) so as to prevent him getting the ball)[T+n]:Your job is to~the centre forward.你的任务是盯住中锋。Please~your opposite number closely.请紧紧看住与你同号码的对方队员。
 (7)注意,留心(notice;pay attention to(sth))[T+nT+wh](fml):M~my word,you'll fail the examination.留心听着,你这次考试要不及格。M~her expression of discontent.注意听她的抱怨。M~carefully what I say/how it is done.留心我的话/如何做这件工作。〖同〗attend,mind,note,regard;〖反〗ignore,overlook,disregard;
 mark down(v adv)1)记下(vt):~down an appointment in a notebook/the time for the meeting on the calendar在笔记本里记下约会日期/日历上记下开会时间;2)减……的价(vt):This jacket has been~ed down from $10 to $8. 这件衬衣的价格由原来的10美元降至8美元。3)减……分(vt):This teacher tends to~students down.这个老师往往给学生打低分。
 mark off(v adv)划界线隔开(vt):This area has been~ed off as a future playground.这地方划出来,将来做运动场。
 mark out(v adv)1)划线分隔,划开(vt):The pitch was~ed out with white lines.场地用白线划分出来了。2)选定,看中(vt尤pass):He was~ed out for promotion.他被选中要晋升。
 mark up(v adv)1)提高价格(vt):Next year we'll~up all our shares.明年我们将全面提高股票的价格。2)加分(vt):If we~up Jones a tiny bit on one paper,he will just scrape a pass.我们只要在一份试卷上给琼斯稍加一点分,他就能勉强及格。
 →′marker n记分员,主考人,打记号的人;′marked adj清楚的,明显的;′markedly adv显著(清楚)地;′marking n斑点,花纹;′mark-down n 减(削)价;′marking-ink n 不褪色墨水;′mark-up n 加(涨)价,标高价





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