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单词 march
march/mɑ:t⨜, AmE mɑ:rt⨜/ v [-es/ ɪz/];n [-es/ ɪz/]

v (1)前(行)进,行走(walk with measured step at steady rate like soldiers)[II+prep(through/up/to),I+adv]:Quick~!齐步走!~towards the street/along the street朝着大街/沿着大街行进;~through the highway/up the highway穿过公路/沿着公路而行;The soldiers~ed past.士兵以整齐的步伐走过。He~ed 40 miles today. 他今天走了40英里路。

(2)(毫不迟疑地)走(walk in a purposeful or determined manner)[II+prepI+adv]:~out angrily of the store 气愤地走出商店;~into sb's office demanding one's business走进某人的办公室问自己的事;

(3)(使(某人))走(cause to march)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~the soldiers into battle/the students into the chapel率领战士上战场/学生走进礼拜堂;~sb promptly to the jailhouse 立刻将某人押到监狱;~sb off from the schoolhouse将某人赶出校舍;

→′marcher n 游行示威者;

n (1)行(进)军(act of walking with regular steps)[C]: a forced/rapid~强行军/急行军;an arduous~艰难行进;the Long M~(中国工农红军的)长征;begin another~又开始一次行军;have a ten-mile~ 走了10英里;

(2)行(路)程,距离(distance covered by marching)[C]:Their objective was only two day's~away.他们离目的地只有两天的路途。It's an hour's/a day's~from... to ... 从……到……有一小时/一天的行程。〖同〗parade;

(3)进展(军),行进(forward movement;progression)[U][theN(of)]:the line of~(军队的)进军路线;our~towards the enemy我们向敌人逼进;the~of time/progress/civilization/events时间的推移/进步的取得/文明的发展/事情的进展;the dramatic~of modern science现代科学的重大进展;the slow~to socialism社会主义的缓慢进程;〖同〗progress,development,advance;

(4)游行,示威(walking in order to protest about sth)[C]:a peace/hunger/protest~争取和平的游行/反饥饿游行/抗议游行;took part in last year's~参加去年的示威游行;

(5)进行曲(music written to accompany or as if to accompany marching)[C]:a dead/funeral/military~葬礼/送葬/行军进行曲;The band concert closed with a Sousa~. 管乐音乐会在一首苏泽的进行曲中结束。

on the march 1)(在)行进中:The army were on the~. 军队在行进中。2)在发展(在前进)中;Industrial improvement/Science is on the~.工业改革在进行中/科学在发展。

steal a march on (sb) 偷袭,(秘密地)抢在别人前面:steal a~on the enemy by marching at night夜行军偷袭敌人





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