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单词 market
market/′mɑ:kit, AmE ′mɑ:r-/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)市场,集市场所(public place where people meet to buy and sell goods)[C]:flower/fish/vehicle~花/鱼/车市;at the local cattle~在当地牲畜市场;There is a new fruit~on the corner.拐角处新开一个水果市场。a covered/an open-air~有棚/露天市场;sell/buy fish in the~在集市上卖/买鱼;have/set up a (clothes) stall in the~在市场上有/开设(服装)摊位;buy vegetables at the farmer's~在农贸市场上买蔬菜;There were no eggs in the~.市场上买不到鸡蛋。It's cheaper to buy vegetables from the~than from a shop.在市场上买菜比在商店里买便宜。a~stall/trader/square/hall 集市摊位/商(人)/广场/大厅;The~was active yesterday.昨天市场活跃。〖同〗marketplace;

(2)集市(日)(gathering of people for buying and selling goods on certain days at such a place)[C]:The next~is on Sunday.下次集日在周日。There is no~this week.这星期没集(市)。The~is held twice a week.每周举办两次集市。go to (the)~赶集;上集市;a~day/town 集市日/定期举行集市的(小)城镇;

(3)销售市场(地,对象)(areacountry or countriessection of peopleetc to which goods may be sold)[C]:have a new~for one's products 自己产品有新销路;find a good~for automobiles 为汽车找到好的销售市场;be a foreign~for wool 是羊毛的国外销售地;sell sth to the foreign/home/world/European~将某物销往国外/国内/世界/欧洲市场;sell sth well to the teenage/college~某物在十几岁青少年/大学生中很有市场;(foreign goods) flood the home~(外国商品)充斥国内市场;try all areas of the home~试销国内各地;

(4)销路,需求(demand for particular goods)[Ua~][N(for)]:There is not much~for the cars. 这些汽车销路不大。There is very little~for such goods. 这种商品销路很小。There is no~for these products. 这些产品销路全无。There is a(good/poor)~for tea/cotton goods in these countries.茶叶/棉织品在这些国家有销路(销路很好/很差)。How big is the~for the product?这个产品销路有多大? What is the current~for utilities?公用事业目前的需求有多大? find a new~for the cotton给棉花找到新的销路;find a~for one's skill(fig) 找到自己才能的用武之地;

(5)行情,市况(state of trade as shown by the price or rate of buying and selling)[C]:The~is dull/brisk. 市场萧条/繁荣。a dull/a lively~(in sth)(……物品)行情萧条/活跃;There is great activity in the cotton/coffee~.棉花/咖啡行情很活跃。The(cotton/coffee)~is rising/is falling/is steady.(棉花/咖啡)行情上涨/回落/稳定。sell on a falling/sell on a rising~(in shares)(股分)下降/上升时卖出;

(6)买卖双方,市场(buyers and sellers)[Uthe~]:The~determines the kind of goods that are made.市场决定生产什么样的产品。a~price/value 市场价格/市场价值;a~research/share 市场调查/市场占有率;a~garden/gardener 商品菜园/商品蔬菜栽培者;

be on/put on(to)/come on(to)the market 出货;上市:It's been on the~for three days.这货上市三天了。Put the house on the~.把这房子上市卖掉。

be in the market for有意买(infml):be in the~for a good house/new motorcycle/big car要买一所好房子/辆新摩托车/辆大轿车;I'm always in the~for good new ideas.(fig) 对于好的创新观点,我总是乐意接受。

→′market-place n 集市;

v (1)(在市场上)卖(sell in a market)[T+n]:~fruits/vegetables/one's own products卖水果/蔬菜/自己的产品;He cannot~the goods he makes. 他卖不掉自己生产的货物。〖同〗sell,merchandise;〖反〗buy,shop;

(2)购买(食品,日杂)(buy food and household supplies for the home)[I](AmE):go~ing去市场购物;She~s every day.她每天都买东西。He has~ed for a special Sunday dinner.他为周日的专门宴请购物。

(3)销(售)出,推销(find buyers;offer for sale)[T+nD+n+prep(to)]:need sb to~one's products to retailers/in a country/all over Europe需要某人向零售商/一个国家/整个欧洲推销自己的产品;travel all over the world to~products/goods 走遍世界去推销产品/商品;We have been~ing this product very successfully for ten years. 10年来我们销售这种产品一直十分成功。〖同〗sell,merchandise;〖反〗buy;

→′marketable adj可出售的,适合在市场出售的;mar͵keta′bility n 有销路,对消费者有吸引力;′marketer n 销售商;marke′teer n供应商;′marketing n(市场上的)交易,买卖,经销;(AmE)购物





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