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单词 matter
matter/′mætǝ(r)/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)物质(substances that make up the physical world)[U]:An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of~.原子是物质最小的不可分割的粒子。Do the earth and the moon share the same~? 地球和月球是同种物质构成的吗? The entire universe is made up of different kinds of~.整个宇宙都是由各种物质构成的。M~exists in three states:solid,liquid,and gas.物质以三种形式存在:固体、液体和气体。(substance of the stated type;material that can be seen or touched)[CU]:organic/waste~有机物/废物;~suitable for photo composition适于照相排版的材料;the four categories of rubbish—paper,metal,plastics,vegetable~s 四类垃圾——废纸、金属、塑料、蔬菜;third-class~三类邮件;postal/printed/reading/advertising~邮件/印刷品/阅读材料/广告;

(3)事情,情况(a situation or subject which is being dealt with or considered)[C]:an important~重要的事情;a private/personal/serious~私人/个人/严重的事情;money/business~s 钱财/生意的事;The~was resolved amicably.事情平和地解决了。on all~s great and small大事小情;The company's financial~s are in a bit of a mess.该公司的经济状况有点混乱。〖同〗affair,business,situation,happening,circumstance;

(4)(引起情感的)问题,事情,情况(situationproblem or a particular thing that arouses the specified emotion)[C][N(of)]:a~of faith/habit/taste/opinion信仰/习惯/爱好/看法问题;~s of considerable concern相当关切的事情;It's a~of great importance to me.这件事对我至关重要。Our journey home was a traumatic~. 我们的归途是令人痛苦而难忘的。

(5)主题,思想内容(written contents of a bookspeechetcnot the way in which sth is written)[U]:the subject~for a new report/of a course新闻报道的主题/课程的内容;the~of one's speech演讲的主题;The book contains some rather controversial~.该书中有些内容可能引起争论。〖同〗subject matter,subject,content;

as a matter of fact 实际(事实)上:As a~of fact,he didn't know it,either.事实上,他也不知道此事。

as a matter of course 作为理所当然的事,自然:You accept good health as a~of course through your life.你自然视身体健康为一生的事。

for that matter/for the matter of that 就此而言,关于那点:I could go this afternoon,or for that~,I could go tomorrow.我可能今天午后走,不过也可以明天走。

It's onlyalletc a matter of... 只是……(如时间,距离,金钱等)的事:It's only a~of another $1000 and the house is yours.仅是再给1000美元的事,房子就归你了。Skating is just a~of practice.滑冰只要练习多了就能学会。

in the matter of关于,涉及(fml,旧用法):I want to speak to the teacher in the~of my child.我想与教师谈一谈我的小孩。

be the matter (with)(痛苦,问题等的)原因(理由):What's the~? 怎么回事? What's the~with the machine? 这部机器有什么毛病? Is there anything the~with you? 你有什么问题吗?

a matter of life and death生死攸关的事:He told the operator that this call was a~of life and death.他告诉接线员说,这个电话是生死攸关的大事。

no matter 不重要,不值得注意:“He's not here.”“ No~,I'll see him later.”“他没在这里。”“没关系,我以后再来看他。”It's(of) no~. 这无关紧要。

vi (1)很有关系,要紧(be important)[II+prep(to)][无prog]:What he said~s little/very little/a great deal/very much.他说的话无关紧要/毫不重要/十分重要/非常重要。It's not death that~s but the fear of death.要紧的不在于死,而是怕死。It doesn't~what you say/which method we choose/how you dress.你说什么/我们选择什么方法/你怎样穿戴这无关紧要。She is so sad that nothing seems to~to her any more.她太悲伤,似乎一切对她都无所谓了。My family were all that~s to me.我的家庭对我至关重要。“What can it/does that~?”She asked,with a haughty air.她显出傲慢的神态,问道:“这能有/那有什么关系?”〖同〗count;〖反〗be unimportant;

(2)化(排)脓(give or form pus)[I]:The cut began to~.伤口开始化脓。a~ing wound正在化脓的伤口;

【用法】动词用于(1)义时,尤用于否定句和疑问句;句中含有what,who,where,if 等词通常以it 作主语。






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