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单词 mass
mass/mæs/ n [-es/ ɪz/];v [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)团,块,堆(body of matter with no specific shape)[C][N(of)]:a~of snow/clay/dough/rubble/sand/ore/coal雪团/泥团/面团/一片瓦砾/沙堆/一块矿石/一块煤;a~of broken glass/gray hair/warm air一堆碎玻璃/一团灰发/一股热空气;a cold air~冷空气团;There were great~es of dark clouds in the western sky.西边天空有大块大块的乌云。〖同〗block,lump,cake;〖反〗bit,piece,portion;

(2)许多,大量(批)(large number or amount of sth that is not specified)[C,常pl] [N(of)](infml):~es of presents/cards/papers/data/people/friends许许多多的礼物/贺卡/文件/数据/人/朋友;a~of bruises大片擦伤;eat~es and~es of food吃了大量食物;We have~es of work to do/time before the film starts.我们有大量工作要做/电影开映前我们的时间相当充裕。〖同〗gathering,crowd;accumulation,pile;〖反〗scattering;

(3)群(民)众(性)的(involving or affecting a very large number of people)[作attrib]:~psychology/education群众心理学/民众教育;a~meeting/protest群众性聚会/抗议;~production/destruction/murder大规模生产/毁灭/屠杀:~plantings of varicoloured tulips大面积种植花色各异的郁金香;Opposition groups plan to stage~demonstrations all over the country.反对派计划举行全国性群众示威。

(4)质量(amount of matter in sth)[CU]:The~of this ball is 2kg/of the rock is 500 kilos.这球的质量是两公斤/块岩石的质量是500公斤。1 litter of water has a~of 1 kilogram.一升水的质量是一公斤。The velocity depends on the~of the object.物体的速度取决于该物体的质量。〖同〗matter;

(5)(劳动) 群众,平民 (ordinary working class people forming the largest group)[thees]:The government win/have the support of the~es.政府赢得/得到群众的支持。He doesn't care what the~es think.他不在乎老百姓怎么看。She felt the~es to be capable of this.她感到群众是能够做到这一点的。

(6)大多数,较大部分(majority of people;principal part or main body)[Uthe~][N(of)]:The~of people are in favour of peace.多数人拥护和平。The~of teachers support the government's reforms. 大多数教师支持政府改革。The~of our imports consist of raw materials.我们大部分进口是原材料商品。the great~of Asia/the continent亚洲/该大陆的大部分;The huge~of the central tower slowly appeared on the horizon.中心塔楼的主体部分慢慢地耸现在地平线上。〖同〗majority;〖反〗minority;

be a mass of 遍布着,遍体是:The forest is a~of colour. 森林里五彩斑斓。The garden is a~of flowers.花园里遍地是花。The battle field is a~of bodies.战场上到处是尸体。

in the mass总体(整体)上(fml):They are good citizens in the~.总的来讲他们是好市民。

v (1)集聚(中,合)(gather or form in a mass)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep]:Up to 60 youths~ed outside.多达60名青年聚集在外面。The people~ed downtown to watch the parade.人们集聚在市中心观看游行。The protesters~ed around the gate. 抗议者聚集在大门周围。The troops~ed on the frontier. 军队集结在边境线上。The crowd~ed near the football field.群众聚集在足球场附近。The general was~ing its troops.将军正在集结军队。〖同〗collect,gather,assemble;〖反〗spread,scatter;

→′massed adj大批的;′massive adj 大而重的;′massively adv 非常,十分;′massiveness n 巨大,大型





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