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单词 养精蓄锐

养精蓄锐yǎng jīng xù ruì

conserve strength and store up energy; gather (/get up) steam,recuperate and build up one’s energy; save one’s strength and renew one’s energy
❍ 为了迎接这个大胜利,打好会师第一仗,红十五军团除留一个排在直罗镇警戒外,主力集结在张村驿一带,~,积极的投入了战前准备工作。(徐海东《奠基礼》)To win the first victory after having joined forces with the First Front Army,the Fifteenth Red Army Group left only one platoon to guard Zhiluozhen massing its main forces near Zhangcunyi,building up their strength and making active preparations for combat.
❍ 这种时候,敌军虽强,也大大减弱了;兵力疲劳,士气沮丧,许多弱点都暴露出来。红军虽弱,却~,以逸待劳。(《毛泽东选集》192) By then the enemy army,although still strong,is much weakened,its soldiers are tired,its morale is sagging and many of its weak spots are revealed. But the Red Army,though weak,has conserved its strength and stored up its energy,and is waiting at its ease for the fatigued enemy.
❍ 且待半年,~,刘表、孙权可一鼓而下也。(《三国演义》298)Wait half a year that the man may recover from the fatigue of the campaign and both Liu Biao and Sun Quan will fall at the first roll of the drums.
❍ 为了~,中午,刘思扬强迫自己睡了一个长长的午觉。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》365) After lunch Liu Siyang forced himself to take a long nap to renew his energies.


conserve energy and build up strength;store up(one’s) energy





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