释义 |
艰(艱)jiānⅠ ❶ (困难) difficult;hard: 举步维 ~ have difficulty in taking a step ❷ [书] (困苦) hard;trying;(live) in privation: 长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多 ~。 I sigh and wipe away my tears,oh! I'm grieved at a life full of woes. ❸ [书] (险恶) sinister;vicious;malicious;treacherous: 彼何人斯? 其心孔 ~。 Who's the man coming here? So deep and full of hate? ❹ [书] (愚) foolish;stupid ❺ [书] (慎重) cautious;careful;prudent Ⅱ [书] ❶ (灾难) suffering;calamity;disaster ❷ (指亲丧) mourning for one's parents ◆艰苦奋斗 work hard and perseveringly;struggle hard amid difficulties;work diligently in defiance [in spite] of difficulties;wage an arduous struggle;persistent hard work;hard struggle; 艰苦朴素 be plain in one's style of living;live in a plain and hardworking way;hardworking and plain-living; 艰苦卓绝 extremely hard and bitter ...;being distressed and lofty; 艰难 difficult;hard;arduous; 艰难曲折 arduous and tortuous;full of difficulties and reverses; 艰难时世 hard times; 艰难险阻 hardships and dangers;all difficulties and hazards;difficulties and obstacles;difficulty and hardship; 艰涩 involved and abstruse;intricate and obscure; 艰深 difficult to understand;abstruse; 艰深晦涩 hard [difficult] to understand;abstract and obscure; 艰险 hardships and dangers;perilous; 艰辛 hardships; 艰贞不贰 maintain rectitude,serving not two rulers |