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单词 match
match/mæt⨜/ n [-es/ ɪz/];v [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)比(竞)赛(sports competition;contest;game)[C]:win/lose the~赢了/输掉比赛;have a~with (against) Liverpool与利物浦队进行一场比赛;tennis/rugby/cricket/golf~网球/橄榄球/板球/高尔夫比赛;the football~between teams from France and Italy 法国队与意大利队的足球比赛;〖同〗game,contest,competition;

(2)对(敌)手(person with the same strengthabilityskilletc as another person)[Ua~][N(for)]:be a/more than a/no~for any player 可以与任何对手较量/比任何对手都强/敌不过任何对手;A boy is not a~for a man.男孩不是成年男子的对手。be sb's~at chess/in tennis/for bravery下棋是某人的对手/打网球是某人的对手/和某人一样勇敢;a~play/point势均力敌的比赛/取胜的关键分数(赛点);〖同〗equal,equivalent,counterpart;〖反〗unequal,superior;

(3)婚姻(配)(partnershipesp a marriage)[C,通常sing](旧用法):an ideal~理想婚姻;make a bad/good/royal~婚姻失败/婚姻美满/与皇室通婚;approve of this~同意这桩婚事;arrange a~between one's daughter and some young man包办自己的女儿与一位年轻人的婚姻;

(4)对象,未婚伴侣(sb viewed as a marriage prospect)[C,通常sing][旧用法]:be a bad/good/fine~是一个糟糕/很好/出色的对象;an attractive~妩媚的对象;make an excellent~for one's son成为某人的好儿媳;Your son will make a very good~.你儿子会是一个好女婿。

(5)相似(像)的人或物(person or thing that is like another in one or more specified qualities)[Ua~][N(of)]:a vase that was almost the exact~of the one we already have 一个与我们已有的花瓶几乎一样的花瓶;

(6)相(匹)配的人或物(person or thing that suits another person or thing when together)[Ua~] [N(for)]:This tie is a good~for your striped shirt.这领带配你的格衬衫很合适。The hat is a perfect~for your shoes.这帽子与你的鞋子完全搭配。That blue coat is an exact~for your trousers.那蓝色外衣与你的裤子正好相配。The carpet and the curtains are good~.地毯和窗帘配得很好。The blue shirt and the gray tie/A jacket and a scarf are bad~.蓝衬衣和灰色领带/外衣与头巾搭配不协调。

find/meet one's match (in sb) 找到/遇上强硬对手:He thought he could win the election easily but he met his~when Margaret opposed him. 他原以为自己在选举中会轻松取胜,但玛格丽特反对他,成为他的强硬对手。

→′matchless adj 无比(敌,双)的;′matchlessly adv 无敌地;′match͵maker n 媒人;

v (1)颜色、式样配得上(be suitable for esp in colour or pattern)[IT+n]:These colours/gloves/ribbons~exactly.这些颜色/手套/缎带搭配协调。The rugs and wallpaper~perfectly. 地毯与壁纸的颜色非常协调。The parapets and the curtains~exactly. 矮护墙与窗帘的颜色正好。All her towels~pretty well.她所有毛巾的颜色相当协调。a yellow sari with a yellow ribbon to~黄色莎丽绸配以黄色丝带搭配;the shirt~ing those trousers 与这条裤子搭配的衬衣;the drapes that~the rug与这块地毯搭配的窗帘;Does the trimming~that hat?这花饰与那顶帽子相配吗?a well~ed couple(fig)天生一对;an ill~ed couple (fig) 冤家对头;〖同〗suit,fit,be equal;〖反〗differ from,be unequal;

(2)配(find sth that is likesuitable for sth or a match for sth)[T+n]:~the silk/this wall-paper/some green wool/the yellow in the material 找到和这块绸子相配的绸子/这样的壁纸相配的壁纸/绿色毛线相配的毛线/布料中这种黄色相配的颜色;The words below~the items in the picture.图片中的实物与其下方的说明相对应。That doesn't~your temperament.那与你的气质不相称。

(3)找,配(适应的)(人,物)(find sb/sth that fits or corresponds to sb/sth else)[T+n+prep(with)]:unable to~the coat with any of the dresses找不到与这件外套相称的衣服;~the period decor with some antique furniture 给这古代装饰配一些相称的古董家具;~the children from unhappy homes with suitable foster-mother 给不幸家庭的孩子找一个适合的养母;

(4)敌得过,比得上((of person) be similar to (sb) in certain ways)[T+n+prep(in/for)]:~sb in oratory/argument/strength/chess 在演说/辩论/力量/棋艺方面与某人不相上下;cannot~sb for his hunting skill/his knowledge of wild plants 打猎技术/野生植物知识方面比不上某人;troops whom none could~in battle 无敌手的部队;

(5)与比赛(较量,对抗)(provide with an opponent or competitor)[T+n+prep(against/with)]:~one group against the other in spelling bee让一个小组与另一小组拼字比赛;~a woman against a huge man让一女子与一魁伟男子较量;~one's skill against the champion's用自己的技艺与冠军相比;Brazil has been~ed against Argentina in the semi-final.在半决赛中巴西队与阿根廷队对垒。The two sides were well/ill~ed.双方棋逢对手/水平大相径庭。

match up(with)(v adv)找相称之物,使互相吻合(vt):1)Try to~up this wallpaper with some other curtain material.尽量找与这壁纸相称的窗帘料子。~up the two halves of the photograph/the torn pieces of the letter 把两半的照片/撕碎的信拼起来;2)协调,一致(vt):The coat and the trousers/The statements don't~up properly.外衣和裤子不配/两种说法不一致。

match up to(v adv prep)比得上,与……同样好(vt):He doesn't~up to his father in ability.他比不上他父亲的能力。





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