释义 |
史不绝书shǐ bù jué shūhistory is full of such instances ❍ 鲁之于晋也,职贡不乏,玩好时至,公卿大夫相继于朝,~,府无虚月。(《左传·襄二十九年》) In its relations with Jin,Lu contributes its dues without fail; its valuable curiosities are always arriving; its princes,ministers,and great officers come,one after another,to our court. Our historiographers do not cease recording; our treasury is not left empty a month. ❍ 自古忠臣毁家纾难,~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—710) Throughout history there have been numerous cases of loyal families giving all their property to the state in times of emergency. 史不绝书shǐ bù jué shū绝:断。书:记载。史书上不断有这类的记载。形容历史上经常发生的事情。the occurred things in the past, history is full of such instances |