释义 |
叱咤风云chì zhà fēng yúnall-powerful; be able to order nature about; bold and free-soaring; can command the sea and waves (/the wind and the clouds); have nature at one's beck and call (/under one's thumb); reign supreme; ride the whirlwind;shake heaven and earth ❍ 他看不惯生宝这股~的劲头!就象他真是治国平天下的人!(柳青《创业史》285)He wasn't accustomed to bold imaginativeness like Shengbao's.The boy really seemed to think he could beat the world. ❍ 他谨小慎微的庄稼人狭窄心境,怎能和生宝~的气魄联系起来呢? (柳青 《创业史》 293) But how could they link his cautious narrow peasant heart with Shengbao's bold free-soarin g spirit?/~,此其时也,可惜我们留在东北的干部损失太大。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》554) This is the time to create as many disturbances as possible. What a pity we've lost so maay of the men we left behind in Northeast China. ❍ 向你致敬——用烽火冶锻的钢铁誓言,誓言里,沸腾着你~的气概! 中南海呵,我们敬爱的海! (王恩字 《中南海呵,我心中的海》)They salute you with iron wills,tempered in struggle,and vows to fulfil your mighty vision. Ah,Zhon gnanhai,the site we dearly love. ❍ 他破梦似的觉得自己完全是个 “~”的人物了。(高云览《小城春秋》156) He could already see himself as a "thundering states man”./风云叱咤,报国恩,一腔热血挥洒。(孔尚任 《桃花扇》 135) The winds and clouds move at the sound of my voice; I pour out my blood in the service of my country. /“同志们,快冲出去!”仓库里传来一声~的喊叫。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》225) "Move off,comrades,"called a towering voice from the shed. 叱咤风云commanding wind and storm;shaking heaven and earth;thundering;enormously powerful 叱咤风云chì zhà fēnɡ yún叱咤:吆喝。形容声势威力十分巨大。all powerful, ride the whirlwind, reign supreme, bold and free-soaring |