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单词 marry
marry/′mæri/ v [-yies/ ɪz/;-yied,-yied/d/]

(1)娶,嫁,和……结婚(take (a person) as one's legal husband or wife) [IT+n]: wish to/plan to(have no wish to/have no plan to)~想要/计划(不打算/没计划)结婚;~young/again/in one's twenties/late in life/without sb's consent年纪轻轻就结婚/再一次结婚/20几岁时结婚/结婚晚/没有经某人的同意就结婚;Men tend to~later than women.男子往往比女子结婚晚。~sb's sister/one's sweet heart/an English writer 与某人的妹妹/自己的心上人/一个英国作家结婚;He~ied a girl from his hometown.他娶了一个家乡的姑娘。He wanted to~money.他想娶一个有钱的女子为妻。〖同〗wed;〖反〗divorce;

(2)为……主持婚礼((of an official or priest)unite (two people)as husband and wife at an official ceremony)[T+n]:The rabbi/bishop/priest/vicar/Archbishop of Canterbury~ied them.犹太教士/主教/牧士/教区牧师/坎特伯雷大主教给他们主持婚礼。Over 400 couples were~ied by the minister. 400多对情侣的婚礼都是这位牧师主持的。〖同〗wed;

(3)把……嫁出,为……娶亲(give a son or daughter as a husband or wife)[T+n+prep(to)]:~one's son to a rich princess/one's daughter to a rich old man.为儿子娶了一位有钱的公主/把女儿嫁给一个富有的老者;

(4)使(紧密)结合(unite in a closeusually permanent way)[II+prep(with),T+nT+n+prep(with)](fig):These wines~well.这几样酒混合得很好。~intellect with(and) sensibility/wit with (and) scholarship使理智与情感/才智与学术融合;~a number of different scientific disciplines together 把许多不同的科学科目紧密地结合起来;This poem~s theme and style well.这首诗的主题和风格结合得很好。

marry into(v prep)结婚后成为……一员(vi):~into the aristocracy/the landed gentry/a wealthy farming family 因婚姻关系而成为贵族/有产绅士/富有的农户家的成员;

marry off(v adv)把……嫁出去(vt):They finally~ied off all their daughters/the last of their children.他们终于把所有的女儿都/最后一个女孩嫁出去了。

marry up(v adv)结合,匹配(vi):The two halves of the project didn't~up.工程的两个部分结合得不好。

→′married adj 已婚的;婚姻(夫妻)的;专心的;′marriage n





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