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Ⅰ ❶ (用砖、石等垒) build by laying bricks or stones: ~ 烟囱 build a chimney; ~ 砖 lay bricks; ~ 围墙 build an enclosing wall ❷ [书] (堆积) pile up; heap up ❸ [书] (连缀) join together; put together ❹ [书] (装订) bind Ⅱ ❶ (台阶) step: 雕栏玉 ~ carved balustrades and marble steps ❷ [书] (门限, 门槛) threshold另见 see also qiè。◆砌衬 lining-up; 砌合 bond; 砌块 {材} building blocks; 砌路 build or pave a road; 砌墙 build a wall; 砌石 stone-laying; 砌砖 neat work
[书] Ⅰ (戏剧) opera Ⅱ (串演) play the role of另见 see also qì。