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单词 mean
mean1/mi:n/ v meantmeant/ment/]

(1)意思是,意指(convey;denote;signify)[T+nT+n+prep(to)T+that][无prog]:The budding flower~s youth in this poem. 诗中含苞待放的意思是指青春。The dictionary tells you what words~.词典解释词的含义。What do you~by such conduct? 你这种举动是什么意思? The symbols~many things/so much/nothing to many people.这些符号对人们含义不同/意味深长/毫无意义。The black spot on the map~s that there is a station here. 地图上的黑点表示此处有一个车站。General public anger~s that the government is not popular. 公众的义愤说明政府不受人民欢迎。〖同〗symbolize,indicate,imply,suggest;〖反〗hide,conceal,mask;

(2)意欲,打算(have in mind as an intentionpurpose)[T+nT+n+prep(for),T+that passT+to-infT+n+to-infC+n+prep(as),D+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:He~s business/mischief/trouble/no harm. 他是认真的/有意恶作剧/存心捣乱/不抱恶意。We~what we say.我们说话是当真的。I~this present for my mother. 我这个礼物是送给我母亲的。You~that she disliked Celia/that I should come alone.你的意思是她不喜欢西丽亚/我应该独自前往。He didn't~to be rude (to her) /be a teacher/write to you.他并不想(对她)无礼/当一名教师/给你写信。I meant him to spend the rest of his days in peace.我打算让他安度余生。I meant it as (for) a joke.我是说着玩的。He didn't~you any harm.他对你没有恶意。They~no harm to anyone. 他们对任何人都没有恶意。〖同〗say,express;

(3)注定某人要干(destine sb to be or do sth;have (a particular purpose or plan)in mind) [T+n+prep(for)尤passC+n+to-inf]:He was meant for an electrician. 他就是要当电工。She was meant for a soldier. 她天生就是当兵的料。She was never meant for the army. 她决不是当兵的料。He was meant to be a doctor. 他注定要当医生。His parents meant her to be a good teacher.他的父母想让她成为一名好教师。〖同〗intend,plan,want;

(4)具有重要性(be of specified importancematter)[T+n+prep(to),无pass][无prog]:His mother~s the world to him.他的母亲是他的一切。Money~s nothing to her。她视金钱如粪土。Health~s everything to the old lady.老太太最重视健康。Music~s much to him.他认为音乐很有价值。The idea of atom~s great deal in chemistry. 原子理论在化学中意义重大。〖同〗matter;

(5)意味着,是……的征兆,造成,导致(be a signresult inhave as a result)[T+nT+thatT+-ing][无prog]:A cut in taxes~s a cut in government spending. 减少税收意味着削减政府开支。A shorter working week~s more free time.缩短每周工时意味着将有更多的空余时间。Her promotion~s a raise in salary.她被提升意味着会增加薪水。Water running down the outside of the wall may~that the gutters are blocked.墙体外侧流水可能是下水道堵塞。This bonus~s that we can take a trip to Florida.这份奖金可以使我们去佛罗里达度一次假。This~s delaying more than a week/increasing purchasing power/working overtime.这意味着延误一周/增加购买力/超时工作。〖同〗indicate,suggest;

mean well 出于好心(好意):~well but seldom carry anything to a conclusion 用意好,可很少能搞出结果来;She~s well,despite her blunder.尽管她犯了大错,但她的用意是好的。





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