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单词 mate
mate/meɪt/ nv [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(男)伙伴,(男)同(事)伴(male fellow workercompanion or friend)[C](infml)(构成复合词):We've been old~s for years.我们是多年的老同事。He had a drink with his~after work.他下班以后与工友一起喝了几杯。〖同〗pal,friend,companion;

(2)助手(young person who helps a skilled worker;partner)[C]:a carpenter's/plumber's/builder's/surgeon's~木工/管工/建筑工/外科医生的助手;needs more help from one's~to finish the job需要助手更多的帮助以完成工作;

(3)(商船船长的)副手(officer on a merchant ship ranking below the captain)[C]:the first/second/third~(=first/second/third officer)大/二/三副;The~gave orders to swab the decks.大副命令擦洗船板。

(4)一对鸟(兽)之一(an animal's sexual partnereither of a bird or an animal)[C]:Swans keep the same~throughout their life.天鹅一生无异偶。

→′roommates 室友;′classmates 同学;′teammates 队友;′playmates 玩伴;

v 交配(尤指动物)(cause birdanimals to come together for breeding)[II+prep(with),T+nT+n+prep(with)]:The bears have~ed and produced a cub.熊交配后产下一仔。The majority of amphibians~in winter. 大部分两栖动物在冬天交配。Many animals~in spring.许多动物在春天交配。an experiment in which mice are~d with rats 鼠与大鼠交配的实验;~cats让猫交配;~a blue bird with a yellow one让蓝鸟与黄鸟交配;Some vigorous mature rams~successfully with nearly 100 ewes in a season.一些体力充沛的成年公羊在一个季节内能交配100头母羊。the~ing season/call(动物)交配季节/交配呼叫;

→′mating n(鸟,兽的)交配(尾);′mateless adj 无配偶的





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